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At 7.45 P.M. on 15th February a steamer's syren was heard blowing continuously, and an enquiry on the telephone elicited from the Coastguard that a vessel was showing signals off Belhelvie. The Life- boat James Stevens No. 19 was at once despatched by road to the scene, and on arrival found that the life-saving apparatus had obtained communica- tion with the ship, but as the men •were still on board the boat was launched. Unfortunately, when ap- proaching the wreck the whip-line of the apparatus fouled the boat's rudder, and the Coxswain, to save his boat, was obliged to cut the line. On reaching the vessel the crew, eight in number, were saved and the boat returned ashore, opposite the wreck; she was then mounted on her carriage and taken back to her station by road. The vessel was the trawler Faith, of Aberdeen.

At the time of the accident there was a moderate southerly breeze and heavy sea..