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Etoile Polaire

At about 9.40 A.M. on llth February, during a S. by W. gale with a heavy sea, a barque was observed about three miles S.S.E. of Newlyn pierhead, running dead before the wind and right in on the land. As it was obvious that unless the master knew how to get his vessel into harbour she would very quickly run ashore and break up, the Life-boat Elizabeth and Blanche was launched and made for her. The Life- boat indicated to the vessel that she was standing into danger and to alter her course. When she was out of immediate danger the Life-boat went alongside.

Men were put on board and they got the vessel and her crew of eight men into safety. The vessel was the barque Etoile Polaire, of Fecamp, homeward bound in ballast from Liver- pool..