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The Life-boat Thomas Black was launched at 6.38 P.M. on 6th February, in response to a message, stating that a vessel was quickly drifting ashore on the east side of Langness with her sails all gone.

On receipt of the message the boat was taken by road to Derbyhaven and launched in a heavy sea. The vessel proved to be the brigantine Albion of Portsmouth, bound from Poole to Elles- mere Port. It was found that she had struck the rocks and was then at anchor. As the vessel was likely to become a total wreck the crew of seven men were rescued. A strong S.E. wind wasblowingwhichnecessitated great care being exercised in getting alongside, and it was with difficulty that the rescue was carried out owing to the men being in an exhausted condition. They were landed at Derbyhaven and later the Life-boat was taken back to her station under sail..