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The S.S. Cheyeene

The No. 2 Life- boat Civil Service No. 1 was launched at 1.40 P.M. on the 31st January, in re- sponse to a message received from the Coastguard stating that a large steamer had stranded on the Girdler Sands.

When proceeding to the vessel the Life- boat was picked up by a tug which towed them to the Sands. She there found the s.s. Cheyenne of Newcastle badly ashore. The Coxswain boarded her and asked the Captain if he re- quired any assistance, and in response he stated that he would be glad if the Life-boat would stand by him until the following high water, when attempts would be made to get the vessel clear.

The Life-boat therefore remained but tugs failed to get the vessel off.

The weather in the meanwhile had improved, and as there was no necessity for the Life-boat to remain in attendance she returned ashore. The vessel, which was a large tank steamer, was bound from London to Barry with a cargo of benzine..