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Sunday Concerts

THE Committee of Management have had before them the question of Sunday concerts and other Sunday entertain- ments ; and it has been represented to them that support for the Life-boat Cause may be made an excuse for the promotion of Sunday Entertainmenbs which would otherwise not be held. It is not for them to pronounce on the propriety or impropriety of the enter- tainments, or to distinguish between one kind and another. What they have to recognise is that public opinion about them is divided, and that a respectable body of the people disapprove of them.

The Committee of Management, there- fore, taking neither one side nor the other, and remembering that their appeal for support is addressed to the whole nation, have come to the conclusion that the name of the Institution must not be associated with the promotion of these entertainments or used in any way to recommend them to the public.

On the other hand, should such entertainments, duly authorized bymunicipalities or other qualified authori- ties, and intended to be held regularly, Sunday after Sunday, be organized without; reference to, or connexion, with, the Institution or Life-boat work, or any sanction, implied or expressed, of representatives of the Institution, and a collection be made at them, say, once a year, for the Life-boat Cause, the Institution wiil gratefully accept the contribution.

What the Committee of Management wish to make clear is that the Insti- tution, must not be associated with the introduction or promotion of such entertainments..