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At 3.45 P.M. on j the 15th January information was j received that a schooner was ashore on the West Tongue Sands requiring assistance. The No. I Life-boat Eliza Harriet was launched, and on arriving at the Sands, found the schooner Beussite, of Morlaix, aground, making water fast. The captain engaged the men to try and save the vessel. Seven of the Life-boat's crew were placed on board to man her pumps, and just before high water they succeeded in getting the vessel afloat. The Life-boatmen then attempted to get the vessel to Whit- stable, but they found that, in spite of their efforts, the water was gaining.

They therefore attempted to beach the vessel. She commenced to roll badly, and it was considered advisable to order all hands to leave her. This was done, and about five minutes later the vessel foundered and sank. The Life-boat then proceeded to Whitstable, where she landed the crew of five hands, return- ing to her station at 9 o'clock the next morning..