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At 9.15 P.M. on the 14th January the Cox- swain of the Life-boat Anna Maria Leesnw lights on Cairnbulge Briggs, about two miles from Fraserburgh. He immedi- ately ordered the launch of the Life-boat and proceeded to the vicinity, where he found the steam trawler, Clio, of Dundee, on the rocks, with a crew of nine men on board. Owing to the condition of the sea and the position of the wreck, it was impossible to approach near enough to effect communication. The boat therefore waited near until the tide ebbed sufficiently to allow her to get inside the reef of rocks. At 1.30 in the morning four of the Life-boat crew took to the water and made their way along the reef to where the wreck lay.

They found that the crew had left the vessel • and were taking shelter on a beacon, which they refused to leave, as one of their number, who had had his ribs broken, was unable to go through the water to the boat. At about this time the rocket apparatus got communi- cation from the shore, and by means of the apparatus commenced to land the men; but when being transferred from the beacon to the shore, another man met with an accident. Later, when the Life-boat was able to reach them, the two injured men were taken into the Life-boat, and conveyed to Fraserburgh, where they were lauded at 4.30 A.M. The remainder of the crew of the trawler had meanwhile been landed by the rocket apparatus..