The ketch Trojan, of Jersey, bound from London to Morlaix, Brittany, was wrecked on the Goodwin Sands on the 14th July soon after 2 A.M. The Life-boat Francis Forbes Barton was launched in response to signals, and on reaching the ketch the master engaged the Life-boatmen to save the vessel. A motor-boat from the shore also proceeded to the ketch and put two men on board. As a heavy sea was running on the sands the motor-boat was obliged to seek shelter in smooth water and later to return ashore, leaving her two men on the vessel. All the men on board made strenuous efforts to save the ketch; fifteen tons of cargo were jettisoned to try and lighten the vessel, but as the tide rose the sea made and the vessel became a total wreck. As soon as it was seen that there was no hope of saving the craft the Life-boat rescued the crew of four hands and the two men belonging to the motor-boat. In addition to the men the Life-boat brought ashore two canaries, and, ac- cording to the accounts which sub- sequently appeared in the press, the hen bird never left her nest..