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The S.S. Vostizza

The No. 2 Life-boat John Fielden was launched at 5.30 A.M. on the 30th November to the assistance of a, vessel, which had stranded about four miles to the north of Whitby.

The vessel turned out to be the s.s. Vos- tizza of Andros, laden with coal, and bound from Shields to a foreign port.

The Coxswain of the Life-boat ap- 1 preached the vessel, but the captain | stated that he did not then require any ! immediate assistance, but as the Cox- | swain was of opinion the vessel was in a very dangerous position, he decided to stand by her until the next high water as, in the event of the steamer not floating, assistance would be required.

At 9 o'clock a passing steamer came to the assistance of the Vostizza, and an hour and a half later succeeded in towing I her into deep water. The boat then returned ashore..