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The S.S. Claus Horn

During the evening of 3rd November, in a terrific S.W. gale, the s.s. Glaus Horn, of Lubeck, wag driven ashore on the Gaa Bank at the mouth of the river Tay. A telephone message was sent to the Coxswain of the Life-boat Maria, stating that a large steamer was ashore and burning signals of distress. The Life-boat was promptly launched, and proceeded to the vessel in the heavy sea running. The vessel was reached about 9.50 P.M., and it was found that the waves were constantly sweeping over her. The captain of the steamer in- formed the Coxswain that he did not wish to leave his ship, but asked the Life-boat to stand by, in case any further assistance should be required.

The boat therefore remained near the vessel until 2 A.M. on 4th November, when the captain signified that he did not require any further assistance, as he hoped to float his vessel again on the flood tide..