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"The Life-Boat and Its Story."

WE have received a copy of " The Life- Boat and Its Story," by Noel T. Methley (Sidgwick & Jackson, Ltd., price 7s. &d.) too late for review in this issue of the Life-boat Journal. We can, therefore, at the present moment, only draw attention to this book, which gives a popular and interesting account of the development of the Life-boat and its work, not only in the United Kingdom but in all j parts of the world. The book is pro- j fusely illustrated, some of the plates i being very interesting; and we feel sure • that the work of the Life-boat, presented , in this readable and attractive form, will appeal to a very large public, especially at a moment when the terrible disaster to the Titanic has arrested the minds of even the most thoughtless, and j has made them realise, more fully than | they usually do, the dangers to which j those who travel by sea are ever exposed, v in spite of the advancement of science | and the improvements which have been made in guarding against loss of life from shipwreck. We propose to deal more fully with Mr. Methley's book in our next issue..