An exception- ally heavy gale visited the south-west part of England on the 13th December, and during the height of the gale the Life-boat Elizabeth and Blanche was called out to go to the help of a sailing- ship in distress in the bay. The dis- tressed vessel was observed from Penzance shortly after half-past nine, when she appeared in the bay from the westward.
Tremendous seas were running at the time, and she was watched with much anxiety from the shore. The Life-boat crew were immediately assembled. The vessel, which proved to be a barque, the Saluto, of Christiansand,was then threeor four miles off Newlyn, and was driving rapidly eastward before the gale. The Life-boat put to sea at once, and with a fair wind succeeded in getting to the vessel and taking off the whole of the crew, thirteen in number. The vessel had by this time driven within half a mile of the Grebe rocks off Perran.
Great difficulty was experienced in get- ting alongside, but even greater difficulty was experienced in getting clear, as the vessel was rolling very badly, and four of the boat's oars were broken. The Life-boat then returned to her station, arriving there at 11.30 A.M., where she was greeted by a large concourse of people. As the Life-boat entered the harbour all the steamers blew their sirens, and the people on the quayside shouted themselves hoarse. On being landed the shipwrecked men were kindly cared for, and were eventually driven over to Penzance; before they departed the Salvation Army, who were present, called on the people to sing the Doxology, and then offered a prayer of thanksgiving for the rescue. The men saved were all foreigners, with the exception of one, who was a New Zealander, and belonged to the barque Saluto, of Christiansand. The vessel was bound from England to the Barba- dos in ballast, and after the men had been rescued she became a total wreck.
This was an excellent service, reflecting great credit on the men for the way it was carried out, and the Com- mittee of Management accorded each of the Life-boatmen additional reward..