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At 9 P.M.

on the 30th September distress rockets were seen in the direction of the Swin Middle light-vessel. The information was conveyed to the Coxswain of the Life-boat James Stevens No. 14, and rockets were fired to assemble the crew. The crew responded promptly and the boat at once put to sea. On reaching the Swin Middle light-vessel they found that they were answering signals from the Mouse light-ship. On reaching that light-ship the boat ascer- tained that a vessel was in distress near the Maplin Sands. The boat made for the Sands, and found the sunken barge, from which the crew had already been rescued by the Soutliend boat; they then proceeded down the Sands towards the Maplin light-house, where signals of distress were being made. At the same time a flare was observed from a vessel on the Barrow Sands. The boat immediately made for her and found she was the barge Peace, of Colchester. She was in a water- logged condition and driving on to the Sands. The crew of two men and a woman were taken from the barge, and, the woman being in a prostrate con- dition, the Coxswain ran for the nearest port, namely, Sheerness, where they arrived about 11 A.M. next morning.

While making for Sheerness the motor, with which the boat is fitted, failed, owing to water getting into the hatch. As it was Sunday morning when the boat arrived at Sheerness, she remained there until the following day, and the motor having been put in order, she returned to her station, arriving at 12.30 P.M..