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In a strong south-easterly gale, on 26th October, the ketch Mabel, of Bideford, went ashore on the Dogger Bank, in Wexford Bay. The vessel, which was loaded with salt, was bound from Gloucester to Wexford. The casualty occurred soon after 6 A.M., and the crew at once hoisted signals of distress. The Life- boat James Stevens No. 15 was launched to her assistance, and in tow of a tug proceeded, against the gale and very heavy sea, to the sand banks. She found the vessel labouring heavily, and the seas making a clean breach over her.

The Life-boat was anchored and veered down to the wreck, but it was a con- siderable time before the four men, who comprised the crew, could be rescued, and whilst the boat was alongside she was frequently filled to the gunwale.

As soon as the men were rescued, sail was made and the boat beat through the broken water; she was then again taken in tow by the tug, which took her and the shipwrecked men to Wexford.

This was a very excellent service. The crew of the Mabel were taken off after strenuous efforts lasting about three hours. There was a very heavy sea on the Bank at the time, and it was with the greatest difficulty that the four men were saved. The vessel very shortly after they had been taken off became a total wreck.

The Committee of Management, in appreciation of the good work done, accorded the crew an additional reward..