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Information was received from the coastguard at 3.30A.M.

on the 23rd December that a vessel in the Roads was burning flares for assist- ance. The crew of the No. 1 Life- boat Eliza Harriet were promptly assembled, and the boat proceeded to her assistance. She proved to be the schooner LUZ, of Folkestone, and the master stated that he had been making signals because his vessel was dragging her anchors, and he wished the boat to remain with him until daylight. At daybreak the boat went alongside and put seven men on board. As it was anchors owing to the windlass being j 10 A.M. not possible to get up the vessel's broken, the anchors were slipped, and she proceeded on her voyage to Folkestone, whither she was bound with a cargo of coal. The Life- boat then returned ashore, arriving at.