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At about 3 o'clock on the 3rd November the Norwegian ship Hansy, of about 1,500 tons, bound for Sydney with a cargo of timber, was wrecked at Penolver, owing to a south-west gale and heavy sea.

The coastguard with the rocket appara- tus quickly proceeded to the cliffs just above the wreck, and with the first shot they were successful in gettingaline onto the wreck, and very soon the life-saving apparatus was fixed up and in working order. At about the same time the Lizard Life-boat, Admiral Sir George Back, was successfully launched, this being a matter of no little difficulty, owing to the very heavy sea then running. The majority of the crew, together with the captain's wife and child, were saved by the rocket apparatus, while the captain, one of the officers and one of the crew were saved by theLife-boat.

The rescues were accomplished about 4.30 P.M. Owing to the very heavy sea it was thought best to take the Life-boat to Church Cove. She therefore made for that place, and was taken back to her station the next day. After the ship struck, she speedily filled and settled down, so that her decks were awash, and the seas dashed right over her, while her cargo of timber washed out of her and covered the rocks in the vicinity..