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In the early morning of the 30th September the ketch Energy, of Gloucester, stranded on Bembridge Ledge, and some of the local fishermen went off to her in a large fishing-boat. On arriving at the vessel the captain stated that he would remain on board, and as the weather was improving the boat returned ashore.

The captain told them that should he require any assistance he would make further signals. At about 11.30 A.M.

the wind flew into the north and in- creased to a gale, and about the same time signals were hoisted on the vessel.

The Life - boat Queen Victoria was promptly launched and proceeded to the ketch. Five men were placed on board, who assisted to stow the sails, but it was found that nothing further could be done, as the water came in as fast as the tide flowed. As it was evident the vessel would become a total wreck, the crew of three hands were rescued and conveyed to Bembridge..