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Elizabeth Charlotte

— At 10.45 A.M. on the 8th December the coastguard reported that a vessel which was anchored in the roads was flying a signal for assistance. A strong gale was blowing and a very heavy sea running. The Life-boat Robert Theo- philus Garden was launched in the presence of hundreds of people who lined the shore, and she immediately proceeded to the vessel. The vessel was the schooner Elizabeth Charlotte, of Carnarvon, bound from Newport to Waterford with a cargo of coal. Her anchors had been dragging, but the master informed the crew of the Life- boat on her arrival that, as the anchors were then holding, he had decided to remain on board in the hope that the weather would moderate. He requested that his wife might be landed and that the boat should be kept in readiness in case the gale increased. The master's wife was, with some difficulty, taken into the boat, which then returned ashore and landed her. The weather moderated about two hours later and it was not necessary for the boat to proceed to the schooner again..