Advanced search


.—At 11.35 A.M.

on the 30th September a telephone message was received at the coastguard's station, Clovelly, from the coastguard at Hartland Point, to the effect that a ketch was showing signals of distress.

The Coxswain of the Life-boat Elinor Roget was immediately informed and the boat promptly launched. She pro- ceeded at once to the vessel, which was about four miles distant. The ketch proved to be the Dew-i-wyn of Bideford.

She had had her headsails blown away in the moderate gale which then pre- vailed, and in addition to making a lot of water, was unmanageable, as the steering gear was out of order. The crew of three hands were rescued in an exhausted condition, and the boat landed them at Clovelly in a very heavy sea.

This was a very expeditious service and was carried out in a very creditable manner. At the time of the casualty the ketch was bound from Plymouth to Pembroke with a cargo of bricks. She subsequently foundered at her anchors..