At 7.45 P.M. on the 1st October the Life-boat Civil Service No. 1 was called out by flares and rockets which had been seen in a north- easterly direction. About two miles from the east Margate buoy they found the schooner Celestina, of Portsmouth, in a dismasted condition, with a steamer in attendance. The Life-boat went to her, and the captain requested the Coxswain to stand by him, while the steamer made an effort to tow her to a place of safety. Several attempts were made, but the tow ropes carried away each time and, as the vessel was driving towards the Goodwin Sands, the steamer was obliged to give up all idea of saving her. The Life-boat then, with very great difficulty, rescued the crew, five in number, who were in a very exhausted condition. Owing to the wreckage in the vicinity of the vessel and the heavy sea running, the Life-boat was consider- ably damaged..