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In response to signals of distress fired by the Cork light-vessel on the 30th October, the Steam Life-boat City of Glasgow was sent to sea. On reaching the light- vessel, the master reported that a vessel was burning flares to the north-eastward.

The boat proceeded in that direction, and found the barge Antje ashore on the Felixstowe beach. As the seas were breaking heavily over the vessel, the •master determined to abandon her.

She was bound at the time from Hull to Harwich with a cargo of coal. He and his crew of two men, together with their dog, were taken into the Life-boat, which conveyed them to Harwich Pier.

It was shortly before 4 A.M. when the crew were landed : as it was felt by the master that an effort should be made to try to save the vessel, the Life-boat again proceeded to her, and got a line on board. The Life-boat succeeded in getting the barge afloat, but she foundered a few minutes afterwards..