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The Motor Fleet

THE progress in construction and the results in the past year of the work of the Motor-Boats now on the coast are very satisfactory, and we now give a revised Table of the Motor-Boats with the motors installed in them. A comparison •of this with the Table published in 1911 will show that, although only two Boats have been added to the Fleet, yet there have been some important modifications. The old experimental Boats previously stationed at Tynemouth and Sea- ham have been replaced by new ones, the two former being trans- ferred to new stations which have been established at Sunderland and Teesmouth, where it is hoped they will do good work.

The Wicklow, Seaham, St. Abbs and Tynemouth Motor-Boats have all been completed, their sea trials successfully carried out, and the Boats despatched to their respective stations. The St. David's Boat has completed her sea trials, and is awaiting the completion of the new house and slipway prior to her proceeding to her destina- tion.

New Boats offered to stations and accepted, but not yet under construction, include a Motor-Boat for Arklow, in Ireland, of the self- righting type, 40ft. by 10ft. 6 ins., to be equipped with a Tylor Motor of 40 B.H.P. Arklow possesses a very large fishing fleet, and the Boat stationed there has in past years had great difficulty in working her way to sea over the Bar in an onshore gale. A Motor-Boat will consequently prove a very valuable asset to the station, and for work on the distant banks.

A Motor-Boat of the same type is also to be provided for Fraser- burgh, but with an increased length of 1 foot, and an additional 1 foot of beam, with a Motor of similar type and power. The harbour at this station has been greatly enlarged to cope with the increase of the fishing fleets which visit the port, and the Harbour Commissioners have generously undertaken to provide the boat-house and slipway for the Mo tor-Boat at their own cost, recognizing the great advantage in having a mechanically - propelled Boat at this important station.STATION.

Sunderland .

Teesmouth (Reserve No. 2) Newhaven (old) .


Stronsay .

Stromness Fishguard Broughty Perry .

Donaghadee .

Wicklow , . , Seaham .

St. Abbs . . .

St. Davids . .

Tynemouth (new) Campbeltown Beaumaris Peterhead Clacton-on-Sea .

Newhaven (new) .


o : t A • 1904 1906 1907 1906 1908 1908 1908 1909 1909 1910 1910 1910 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 S.R.



















X 38' x 8' 42'xll' 37' x 9' 3" 43' x 12' 6" 43' x 12' 6" 42'xll' 6" 40' x 10' 6" 40'xll' 43' x 12' 6" 40'xlO'Q" 38'xlO' 38'xlO' 40' x 10' 6" 40' x 10' 6" 43' x 12' 6" 43' x 12' 6" 43' x 12' 6" 45' x 12' 6" 38'x9'9" t 6 14 15 11 14 12 12 12 12 10 12 10 10 12 MOTOR.

f~ » _o w & « pay & Bowen j Tylor. .

/ Thorny- t croft / Blake .

Blake .

Tylor. .

Tylor. .

Tylor. .

Blake .

Tylor. .

Wolseley Wolseley Tjtfor. .

Tylor. .

Tylor. .

Tylor. .

Tylor. .

Tylor. .

Tylor. .

11 30 24 32 40 30 24 40 40 40 34 34 40 40 55 55 55 40 35 i -? 0) •A 500 ( 900 1000* 550 600 800 650 700 600 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 750 (S cwt 24 15J 15| 20} 12 10 10 10 11 11 13 13 12J U Cylinder.

,; •§ * 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 a 3 5 4* 5i 6& 5 5 5J 5& 5J 5 5 5i 5J 6| 6| 66 5* 5 *o 11 5 5J 6} 5J 6J 6J 6A 6i 6J a* 6i 61 7f 7? 6i fl 3 Forced „ ..

» ..


„ ..

., ,.

„ co r» Dual L.T.M.

Dual H.T.M.
















g a .« O 21" 19" 22" 22" 18" 19}" 21" 24" 23" 21" 21" 22" 22" 24" 24" 24" * S 15" 14" 21" 24" 21" 23" 22" 24" 21"' 21" 21" 22" 22" 24" 23" 23J" Reverse Gear.

/Durbam j t Churchill] Buffalo . .

/Thornycroffl 1 clutch / Blake clutch G.R.P. . ./ V.R.P. . { 1 M.R.P. . .j V.R.P . .j H. & S. . .| H. & S. . .| V.R.P. . .j V.R.P. . ./ H. &S. . .j Gardner No. 4 Gardner No. 4 Gardner No. 4 Gardner No. 4 Gardner No. 4 Gardner No. 3 SPEED.

5§i -. O ,- " Si 430 to 450 861 800 600 612 532 816 700 680 572 700 640 580 500 680 640 700 650 700 650 690 600 1 || «•£ 5-9 7-2 (7'27 I6'8 / 6-98 7-2 6-4 6-65 5-86 6-70 5-87 7-2 6-7 6-9 6-38 7-12 6-96 6-97 6-78 7-15 6-48 7-29 6-73 PETJIOI/.

"5 : si! 12 18-5 15-6 20-4 25 20 21 16 22 14 34-5 28-5 29-25 18-75 36 31-5 33 23 33-75 24 34-5 26-25 i a » * 16 38 36 60 J60 J50 }50 ]j50 J60 }eo 50 [50 }eo 60 80 80 80 REMARKS.

"1 3 1 g S |'|| J ISfOTES. * Motor and acceaaories. ( G.R.P. = Gaine's Reversible Propeller.

( L.T.M. = Low Tension Magneto. Reverse Gear J V.B.P. = Villinger's Reversible Propeller.

Ignition-} H.T.M.= High Tension Magneto. 1 M.R.P. = Meissner's Reversible Propeller.

.1 Dual = Starts qn accumulator and coil and runs on L.T.M. H. & S. = Hesse and Savory Reverse Gear.

S H W tH W O 1— 1 2 aw w Kj i— • to.