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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

THURSDAY, 1st June, 1911. j The Bight Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O., ; in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting. ! Also read those of -the Building, Finance j and Correspondence, Wreck and Reward and j Organisation Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recommendations be carried into effect.

Read the reports of the District Inspectors on their recent visits to the following Life- boat Stations:— [ Northern District.—St. Abb's, Dunbar, Skateraw, Holy Island (two boats), Eye- mouth, North Berwick, St. Andrews and Grail.

Eastern District.—Seaham, Tynemouth, Sheringham and Cromer. | Southern District.—Southsea, Bembridge, Hayling Island, Worthing, New Romney, | Broadstairs, Ramsgate, Ryde, Selsey and i Littlehampton. ] Western District.—Peiimon, Cemaes, Cem- lyn, Rhoscolyn, Rhosneigir, Bull Bay, Moelfre and The Mumbles.

Irish District.—Formby and Southport.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the previous meeting:— £ s. d.

Mr. H. W. HEIDMANM (annual sub- scription) 10 - - T.T.S.S. Royal George, collection on board (per the Canadian Northern Steamships, Ltd.) . 7 17 2 H.M.S. Temeraire, donation from Canteen Fund (per GERALD SOL- FLEET, Esq., R.N.) .... 5 - - ; —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies :— The late Mr. JOHN TAYLOR CARD- WELL, of Ilkley (additional) . 1,278 6 2 The late Mrs. COCKBURN or JAMIE, of Edinburgh, for the benefit of the Dunbar Branch . . . . 618 6 3 , The late Madame SARAH HALFON, of Paris (additional) . . . . 242 7 - The late Miss ELLEN TAUNTON LITTLE, of Bath (moiety) . . 150 - - Paid 4,074Z. for sundry charges in connexion with various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 193Z. 4s. 5d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Caister No. 1, Culler- coats, Dungeness No. 1, Eastbourne No. 1, Fishguard, Gorleston No. 1, North Berwick, Port Erroll, Port Eynon, Walton-on-Naze, Wicklow and Yarmouth.

Granted 21. to a man injured on service in the Newhaven Life-boat.

Voted 4Z. to four men for saving two persons from a small rowing-boat, which was capsized in a strong N.E. breeze and ground swell off Broadstairs, on 10th May. The salvors ex- perienced considerable difficulty, and incurred some risk in carrying out the rescue.

Voted 31. to three men for saving a man, belonging to the ketch Henrietta, who got adrift in a boat off Poole on the 3rd May. A whole gale was blowing at the time, and the man, who. was on a lee shore, was unable to help himself. To effect the rescue the salvors put off in a yawl and incurred considerable risk.

Awarded 51. to the crew of the private surf- boat Friend to all Nations, at Margate, for landing twelve persons from the barque Hesperior, which was wrecked on the Shingles Bank, on the 19th May.

THURSDAY, 13th July, 1911.

The Rt. Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, Wreck and Reward and Organisation Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recommendations be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visit to the St. Abb's Station.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— Northern District.—Cromarty, Fraserburgh, Port Erroll, St. Abb's, Troon, Ardrossan, Ayr, Girvan, Buckhaven, Anstruther, Arbroath, Gourdon, Johnshaven, Boulmer, North Sun- derland and Alnmouth.

Eastern District. — Brancaster, Wells, Blakeney, Hunstanton, Seaton Carew, Whit- burn, Hartlepool (three boats) and Sunderland (three boats).

Southern District. — Atherfield, Walmer, North Deal, Newhaven, Brighton, Southend- on-Sea, Eastbourne (two boats), Clacton-on- Sea, Walton-on-the-Naze,Harwich (two boats), Brighstone Grange, Brooke, Totland Bay, Dover and Exmouth.

Western District.—Llandudno, Holyhead, Burry Port, Barry Dock, St. David's, Angle, Cardigan, New Quay (Cardigan), Fishguard, Weston-super-Mare and Watchet.

Irish District.—St. Anne's, Lytham, Black- pool, Fleetwood, Piel (Barrow), Drogheda, Clogher Head, Courtown, Cahore, Kilmore, Rosslare Harbour, Fethard, Skerries, Wexford, Portrush, Culdaff, Greencastle and Aranmore.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting :—• £ s. d.

Mr. J. P. WILLIAMS, Mrs. DAVIES and Mrs. JONES, in memory of their brother, the late Mr. Rees Williams 100 - - Mrs. ELIZA STREATFEILD, further towards the cost of a Life-boat to be named Hugh Taylor . . . 100 - - THE THORNGATE TRUSTEES (annual subscription) 80 - - THE WHOLESALE CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY, LTD. (annual subscrip- tion) 21 - - Mr. 3. 0. LAMBEBT 20 - - The Life of Faith, contributions from readers (per the EDITORS) . 20 - - B.M.S. Huayna, proceeds of concert on board (per Capt. J. W. HARRIS) 8 - - •—To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies :— The late Miss ANNA MATTHEWS, of Leeds, for a Life-boat to be named Ridge Matthews, and stationed on the Yorkshire coast 1,000 - - The late Mr. SAMUEL FIRTH, of Leeds 200 - - The late Mrs. M. A. W. WISE, of Tonbridge 100 - - The late Mr. W. H. DEAN, of Stratford, Essex (additional) .67-2 The late Mr. EDMUND LTTHGOE, of Melbourne (additional) . . . 55 10 1 The Committee expressed deep regret at the death of Capt. W. Dwyer, who had been Honorary Secretary of the Walton-on-the- Naze Branch for three years, and decided to send a letter of condolence to the bereaved family.

Voted the best thanks of the Institution to Mrs. Sandford, of Sandford, and to Mr. Robert Hardie, in recognition of their long and valuable services as Honorary Secretaries respectively of the Shropshire and Banff and Macduff Branches of the Institution, which offices they had just resigned.

Decided to close the Kingstown No. 1 Station.

Reported the despatch to her station of the Bude new Life-boat. Also the despatch of Reserve Motor Life-boats to Sunderland and Teesmouth.

Paid 8,9312. for sundry charges in connexion with various Life-boat establishments.

Voted G51. 4s. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— Live* Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Arbroath . . Fishing boat Brothers Gem, of Yarmouth.

Rendered assistance.

Greenore . . Yacht Volga, of Kings- town. Landed 4.

New Brighton. Schooner Tankerton (Steam) Tower, of Faversham.

| Landed 5.

Port Patrick . Fishing boat Marys, of I Ballantrae. Saved i boat and .... 2 Sunderland . A mooring boat, of Sun- (Motor) derland. Saved boat and 2 The Harwich No. 1 Life-boat assisted to save the schooner L'Espoir de L'Avenir, of Rotterdam, and 6.

Also voted 249Z. 16s. 6d. to pay the expenses of assemblies of crews or launches of the following Life-boats, with the view of assisting i persons on vessels in distress:—Broadstairs, | Caister No. 2, Clacton-on-Sea, Courtmae-sherry, Dover, Dungeness, Eastbourne No. 1, j Formby, Gorleston No. 2, Groomsport, Har- ; wich No. 1, Huna, Kessingland No. 2, Kings- ! town No. 2, Littlehampton, North Deal, j Palling No. 1, St. Abb's, Sunderland, Walton- on-Naze, Wexford and Whitburn.

Reported that) the Gold Medal awarded to the REVEREND JOHN M. O'SHEA, the Silver Medals and the other awards, in connexion with the attempt to rescue the crew of the schooner Teaser, in Ardraore Bay, were presented to the several recipients by the i Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland on 29th May.

Voted 5s. each additional to the crew of the Courtmacsherry Life-boat for an arduous | service on the 22nd April.

Also 91. 5s. to a, man injured on service in the Broughty Ferry Life-boat.

Ordered a special letter of thanks to be sent to Lieutenant Ernest Gee, Royal Artillery, , and voted the sum of 11. to P. Roche, for saving five persons from a boat, which cap- ' sized near the entrance of Youghal Harbour, in a moderate N.E. breeze and smooth sea, ' on 9th June.

Voted an aneroid barometer, bearing a suitable inscription, to Mr. JOSEPH H. PASLEY and to Mr. EDWARD TAYLOR, for rescuing, at some risk, two men from the smack Breeze, of Cardiff, which sprang a leak and sank off Penarth Head, on 9th June. The men were taking refuge in the cross-trees when rescued.

Voted SI. to four men for saving three men from the boat Lily, of Winterton, which sank off Winterton, at 10.45 P.M., on the 1st June.

A nasty sea was breaking on the beach with a fresh N.E. breeze. The salvors waded out and by means of the boat's nets, which had washed overboard, drew the boat sufficiently near inshore to get hold of the men, who, in an exhausted condition, were clinging to the boat. The salvors incurred great risk.

Voted II. to four men for saving, at slight risk, four persons whose boat was in a sinking condition off Scarboro', in moderate weather, i on the 1st June.

Voted 11. to the master and 10s. each to the crew, four in number, of the tug Hendon, for saving five persons from a small boat, •which was caught in a westerly gale off Whitburn, on 22nd June.

THURSDAY, 3rd August, 1911.

The Rt. Hon. the EARL WALDEGRAVE, P.O., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, Wreck and Reward and Organisation Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recommendations be carried into ; effect. : Bead the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their recent visits to the ; following Stations:— Northern District.—Hauxley. 1 Eastern District. — Teesmouth, Redcar, Sunderland, Robin Hood's Bay, Saltburn, Staithes, Runswick, Filey, Scarborough, Up- ! gang, Whitby (two boats), Gambols, Blyth and Cullercoats. Southern District. — Worthing, Margate (two boats), Folkestone, Brixham, Torquay, Teignmouth, Plymouth and Yealm River. : Western District.—Padstow (two life-boats ' and a steam tug), Ilfracombe, Lynmouth, Minehead and Port Eynon.

Irish District.—Killough.

Reported the receipt of the following special ' contributions since the last meeting :— £ s.d...

DUBLIN POET AND DOCKS BOARD i (annual subscription) . . 75 - - Mr. E. F. WHITE (annual subscrip- tion) 50 - - ; In memory of the late Miss S. E. : WHITE (annual subscription) . 25 - - Court Flower of Suffolk, A.O.F., i part of Church Collection (per Mr. A. E. SENTON) - 16 7 —To be severally thanked, Also the receipt of the following legacies:— The late Miss H. M. TURNER, of Leamington Spa, for the pro- vision oi a Lite-boat to be named St. Helen and stationed on such part of the coast of the United Kingdom as the Institution shall : consider most necessary . . . 600 - - The late Miss M. H. POWELL, of Wolverhampton (further on account) 25 - - The late Mrs. MARY CURTIS, of Worthing (balance) . . . 10 - - .

Voted the best thanks of the Institution to Lieut. Alfred Newnham, R.N., in recognition of his valuable services as Honorary Secretary of the Peel (Isle of Man) Branch, which office he had just resigned.

Paid 3.986Z. for sundry charges in connexion with various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 25Z. 2s. 6d. to pay the expense of Broadstairs Life-boat saving six persons from the ketch Trojan of Jersey.

Also voted 126Z. 2s. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, etc., with the view of assisting persons in distress:— Clacton-on-Sea, Gorleston No. 1, Lynmouth, Mumbles, North Deal and Rhyl.

Voted 7s. Gd. to a man for rescuing, at slight personal risk, two men from a pleasure boat, which capsized to the north of Whitby, in a strong W.S.W. breeze and smooth sea, on 21st July.

Also I/, to four men, for their promptness in saving two persons from an open rowing boat, in a moderate N.W. breeze and moderate sea, in Belfast Lough, on the night of 12th July. The men saved got into difficulties through losing their oars in the wash caused by a passing steamer.

THURSDAY, 14th September, 1911.

Lieut. H. T. GARTSIDE-TIPPING, R.N., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered that their re- commendations be carried into effect.

Read the reports of the District Inspectors on their visits to the following Life-boat Stations:— Northern District.—Berwick - on - Tweed, Cresswell, Campbeltown and Southend (Can- tyre).

Eastern District.—Palling (two boats), Win- terton (two boats), Caister (two boats), Yar- mouth, Hasborough, Mablethorpe, Grimsby, Seaham, Cromer, Sheringham and Blakeney.

Southern District.—Salcombe, Hope Cove, Lyme Regis, Sidmouth, Poole, New Romney.

Hythe, North Deal, Kingsdowne, Walmer, Dungeness (two boats), Brighton, Dover, Weymouth, St. Holier, St. Peter Port, Swanage, Hayling Island and Ryde.

Western District.—Little Haven, Fish- guard, St. Ives, Sennen Cove, Penzance, Newlyn, St. Agnes, St. Mary's and The Mumbles.

Irish District.—Skerries, Giles Quay, Green- ore, Blackrock, Clogher Head, Drogheda and Arklow.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £ s. d.

Mr. JOSEPH CRAVEN, to be applied to the Institution's Capital Ac- count (per Bradford Branch), additional 250 --- OLDHAM LIFE-BOAT FUND, for one year's maintenance of the Oldham Life-boat at Abersoch . 90 - - £ s. d.

S. W. A. (annual subscription) . 25 - - A.O.F., Court No. 2634, collected at Church Parade, Snodland, Kent (per Mr. H. T. BEADLE) . 3 14 6 CALDICOTT ST. MARY CHURCH, Ofiertory (per Mr. G. W. WHEATLEY COBB) .... 2-9 —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— The late Mr. THOMAS HOBNE, of Solihull (further on account) . 1,200 - - The late Mr. JOHN YOUNG, of Pol- lokshields, for the provision of a Life-boat to be stationed at Ardrossan, and named James and John Young 1,005 15 9 The late DOWAGER DUCHESS OF NORTHUMBERLAND .... 500 - - The late Mrs. JULIANA WAKE- FIELD, of Kilcullen (balance) . 400 - - The late Mr. ARTHUR HOLT BARBER, of Highbury . . . 200 - - The late Mr. GEORGE GIBBS, of Glapham Common .... 180 - - The late Miss E. T. LITTLE, of Bath (balance) 150 - - The late Miss MARY LEES, of Southport 100 - - The late Mr. WILLIAM McCuKN, of Largs, for the maintenance fund of the John Ryburn Life- boat at Stronsay 100 - - The late Miss ELIZABETH MARY GELL, of Douglas 100 - - The late Mrs. MARY POLSON, of Clevadon 60 10 - The late Miss ESTHER PRITCHARD, of Clapton 50 - - The late Mr. F. W. N. Lloyd, of Bromley, Kent (additional). . 15 1 4 The late Mrs. ELIZA GREEN, of South Ferriby . . , . . 10 10 - The late Mr. JOHN JOYCE, of East- bourne 10 - - Bead a letter from the Grand Priory of the Order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, notifying the enrolment of Mr. Matthew F. Moresby (Honorary Secretary of the Exmouth Branch) as an Honorary Asso- ciate of the Order, in recognition of his valu- able services to the Life-boat Institution.

Paid 11,533J. for sundry charges in con- nexion with various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 33Z. 7s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Minehead . Yacht Pastime, of Bristol. Rendered assistance.

A pleasure boat. Ren- dered assistance.

Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Montrose . Fishing boats Betsy and Meggie, of Montrose.

Stood by boats.

Runswick . S.S. Onslow, of London.

Stood by vessel.

Also voted 154Z. 13s. 6 Z. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, etc., with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Caister No. 1, Clacton - on - Sea, Looe, Lowestoft No. 2, Rhoscolyn, St. David's, Sidmouth, Winterton No. 1 and Yarmouth.

Voted 4J. to two men for saving, at con- siderable personal risk, two men whose boat was capsized in a squall off Castle Point, Co.

Galway, on 28th July. The salvors went to the men's assistance in a very small canoe, which was too frail to take the men on board; the salvors, therefore, with great presence of mind, supported them by means of a rope stretched across the canoe, until a larger boat came and picked them up and landed them.

Also granted 11. to the two men on the larger boat.

Voted 2J. to two men for promptly saving, at considerable risk, six persons whose boat was capsized in a moderate N.E. wind and I moderate sea, off Ramsgate, on 12th August.

Also 21. 10s. to five men for putting off to the assistance of the lugger Baden Powell, which stranded on the western point of Coull (or Goat) Island, near Stornoway, in a strong : S.W. gale and rough sea, on 31st August.

Also 11. 12s. to five men for their services on the occasion of the wreck of the coble Who'd ha thowt it near Emmanuel Head, Holy Island, in rough weather, on 24th June.

Voted 11. 10s. to two men for putting off in a boat and, at considerable risk, saving two men from the small sailing boat Irex, which i had her head sails blown away and was in i difficulties near a reef of rocks, off Penzance, | on 29th July. A whole S.E. gale was blowing i at the time with a very heavy sea.

i Voted 21. 10s. to five men for putting off in a boat and, at considerable risk, rescuing a man who was surrounded by the sea on the Tors rocks off Ilfracombe, in a strong N.W.

breeze and rough sea, on 9th August.

Voted 11. 2s. 6d. to three men for saving six persons, who got into difficulties and were unable to manage their small pleasure boat when about three miles off Whitburn, on 8th August.

Also 11. 10s. to six men for putting off in two boats and saving two men from the small pleasure boat We Two, which got into diffi- culties near the breakers off Aberdovey, in a strong westerly wind, on 26th August.


The next number of the LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL will be published on the 1st February, 1912.