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Martin Gust

On the night of the 5th April the Life-boat James Stevens No. 9 was called out to a vessel which had stranded on the Black- tail Spit, but on reaching the vessel the master declined any assistance, as he hoped to float his vessel clear on the rising tide. The Life-boat therefore returned ashore, arriving at 4.30 on the 6th April after a rough passage.

An hour later signals of distress were seen on the vessel, and the crew were reassembled. The Life-boat returned and found that the vessel had knocked over the Nore Sand and was in great danger of stranding on the Grain Spit.

The master, realising that he must have help, engaged the Life-boatmen and the services of a fishing smack to get his vessel into safety, and they fortunately succeeded. The vessel was the schooner Martin Gust, of Riga, carrying a crew of seven hands and a cargo of timber.

At the time of the disaster a N.E. gale was blowing with a very rough sea..