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Earnest and Dove

At 9.40 A.M.

on the 21st April it was reported that a shrimp boat was dismasted in the roads and in distress. As it was blowing a moderate gale from S.S.W., with a heavy sea, the No. 1 Life-boat Mark, Lane was launched, and in tow of a tug, proceeded direct to the boat. On coming up with her it was found necessary to put two Life-boatmen on board to secure the wreckage and relieve the boat of some of the water she had shipped. The crew of two men were then taken into the Life-boat and the boat taken in tow. Before all this could be done another shrimp boat was observed close to the Scroby Sands, signalling for help. The Life-boat, as soon as possible, proceeded to her, and on approaching her it was seen that the boat was half full of water. Two men were placed on board to bale her, and communication being established, the.