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A Fishing Boat The Joseph

At 9.30 A.M.

on the 19th April the Coxswain of the Life-boat Maria Stephenson observed a small line fishing-boat about six miles to the northward of Buckie, with a signal of distress flying. At the time a whole off-shore gale was blowing, and it was decided to send the Life-boat to the boat's assistance. The Life-boat was transported on her carriage to a suitable launching-place to the west of the harbour, and with some difficulty launched. On reaching the vessel they found that she was the Joseph, of Banff, in a totally helpless condition, with three men on board. The sail of the small boat had blown away, and the rudder also had gone. The Life-boat took the boat in tow and went about four miles farther to the westward, where several other small boats were in difficulties iu endeavouring to make the land. The Life-boat stood by these boats until such time as they appeared to be in safety, and then proceeded to Buckie Harbour with the Joseph in tow..