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The Sumner Life-Boat Brigade

WE feel sure that our readers will be interested in the illustration of the Sumner Life-boat and her crew, which we have received " with their compli- ments and good wishes." For some years past the Institution has been in friendly communication with the Hon.

Secretary of this station, Mr. Arthur Cuddy, who takes the warmest interest in our doings " in the old Homeland," as New Zealanders always like to think of Britain. Sumner is a little post town on South Island, Selwyn County, New Zealand, about eight miles from Christchurch, and five, by road, from Port Lyttelton. The coast is very rocky and dangerous, and the Rescue, which is manned by a crew of thirteen, including the Captain and the Hon.

Secretary, has been the means of saving many lives. It has been a great pleasure to be able to give our friends in New Zealand the fullest information about the working of the Life-boat service here at home. For although the Hon.

Secretary speaks with great modesty of their doings, as compared with " the Life-boatmen of England," anyone can recognise in the fine fellows who form the crew of the Rescue the same sturdy physique, and the look of keenness and " readiness " which we are accustomed to see incur own crews. The Sumner Captain, Hon. Secretary and crew may feel assured of the warm sympathy of all supporters of the Life-boat cause here at home.