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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

THURSDAY, 12th January, 1911.

Colonel Sir FitzRoY CLAYTON, K.C.V.O..V.P., in the Chair.

Bead and confirmed the minutes of the three previous meetings.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, Wreck and Reward, and Life-boat Saturday Winding-up and Organisa- tion Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recommendations be carried into effect.

Passed the folio wing resolution:—"Cordially and unreservedly associating themselves with their Deputy-Chairman, the Committee of Management affirm their undivided responsi- bility for the action taken by the Institution in connection with the winding-up of the Life-boat Saturday Fund; and repudiate in the strongest manner the personal charges and insinuations which have appeared in recent letters addressed to the Press." Read the report of the Deputy-Chief In- spector of Life-boats on his recent visit to Hornsea.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors en their visits to the following Life-boat Stations:— Northern District.—Dunbar, Skateraw, Ber- wick-on-Tweed, North Berwick, Buckhaven, Whitehaven, "Maryport, Balcary, Girvan, Troon, Ayr, Ardrossan, Johnshaven, Gourdon, Fraserburgh, Alnmouth and Boulmer.

Eastern District.—Withernsea and Brid- lington.

Southern District.—Broadstairs, Ramsgate and Walton-on-the-Naze.

Western District.—Aberdovey, St. David's, Fishguard, Little Haven, Barry Dock, Tenby, Ferryside, Burry Port, Llandudno, Rhyl, Llanddulas, Holyhead (two boats), and Point of Ayr.

Irish District. — Ballycotton, Youghal, Queenstown, Dunmore East. Helvick Head, Tramore and Blackrock.

Reported the receipt of 14,592Z. 2s. 5d. from the Central Committee of the Life-boat Saturday Fund, as the net proceeds of Life- boat Saturday, 1910.

Resolved that the thanks of the Committee of Management be conveyed to the Central Committee of the Life-boat Saturday Fund, for their valuable services.

Also reported the receipt of £1,000 from the i Civil Service Life-boat Fund, per Mr. Harry Fincham, I.8.O., Honorary Secretary, to ' recoup the Institution for the amount of the rewards granted to the crews of the seven Civil Service Life-boats during 1910, and as a contribution towards the expenses in- curred in 1909 in maintaining the Stations at which the seven Life-boats are placed.

i The total sum thus contributed to the Institution by gentlemen in His Majesty's Civil Service has been 41,0062. 15s. 2 i Resolved, that the very cordial thanks of the Committee of Management be tendered to the Honorary Secretary, to his Committee, and to the subscribers to the Fund, for their continued most valuable support.

Also reported the receipt of the following other special contributions since the last meeting:— £ s. d.

Anonymous (Bath) .... 1,000 - - Mrs. E. A. STREATFEILD, further towards the cost of a Life-boat to be named Hugh Taylor, and stationed at Yarmouth . . . 300 - - THE ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS (annual subscription) .... 125 - - S.S. Caledonia, collected on board (per Capt. W. BAXTER) . . . 50 - - S.D.R.S.D. (additional) . ... 50 - - Mrs. C. E. LAYTON (additional) . 25 - - Mr. J. H. GRAPTON (additional) . 25 - - LOYAL ORDER OF ANCIENT SHEP- HERDS,Manchester Unity (annual subscription) 25 - - Cheltenham College Offertory (per the Rev. R. WATERFIELD, M.A., Principal) 15 15 - Offley Parish Church, donation from Offertory (per the Rev. E. P. GATTY) 6 - - —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacy :— The late Mrs. ELIZABETH SYME, of Sweetbank, Leven (balance) . , 128 8 6 Voted the best thanks of the Institution to Vice-Admiral J. F. G. Grant and Capt. G. E. Hodgson, in recognition of their long and valuable services as Honorary Secretaries of the Malvern and Cheltenham Branches of the Institution, which offices they have just resigned.

Also voted the best thanks of the Institution to certain prominent workers in connexion with the late Life-boat Saturday Fund, and decided to present some with barographs, and others with pocket aneroids as a mark of apprecia- tion of their co-operation.

Paid 3,012J. for sundry charges in connexion with various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 913Z. 14s. Id. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Arklow . . Thirty-four fishing cobles of Arklow. Rendered assistance.


Berwick - o n - Tweed . .

Bridlington Quay .

Brixham .

Caister No. 1 .

Donna Nook .

Filey . . .

Flamboro' No. 1 . .

Gorleston No. 1 . .

Gourdon . .

Harwich (Steam Lifeboat) Hasborough .

Hayling Island Johnshaven « Margate No. 2 Minehead Mumbles .

Newburgh Newhaven North Deal .

North Sunderland.


Port Patrick .

Robin Hood's Bay . . .

Vessel. saved.

Fishing cobles of Berwick and Spittal. Stood by cobles.

Brigantine Scotia, of Folkestone . . . . 7 Lighter Annie, of Middlesboro'.

Landed 1.

Trawler Bia, of Brixham.

Stood by vessel.

Schooner Elizabeth Bennit, of Liverpool. Stood by vessel.

Tug Winchester, of Hull 5 Fishing cobles of Filey.

Stood by cobles.

Fishing cobles of Flamboro.' Stood by cobles.

Schooner Angela, of Harburg.

Assisted to save vessel.

Fishing-boats of Gourdon.

Stood by boats.

Barge Baltic, of London.

Stood by vessel.

Brigantine Scotia, of Folkestone. Stood by vessel.

Schooner Blanche, of Dunkirk 7 Fishing-boats of Johns- „ haven. Stood by boats.

Ketch Alpha, of Barns- Smack M. & E., of Bridgwater 7 Afterwards assisted to save vessel.

Ketch Ocean's Gift, of Brixham. Rendered assistance.

Steam trawler Taymouth, of Aberdeen . . . . 8 Steam trawler Naalso, of Boulogne. Stood by vessel.

Schooner Antonio Julia, of Oporto. Stood by VQSS01 Fishing cobles of North Sunderland. Stood by 1 1 cobles.

Fishing cobles of Sea Houses. Stood by cobles.

Fishing boat Marys, of Ballantrae . . . . 3 Fishing cobles of Robin Hood's Bay. Stood by cobles.

Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Scarborough . Eight small cobles of Scarborough. Saved cobles a n d . . . . 24 Fishing cobles of Scarborough.

Stood by cobles.

Coble Margery, of Scarborough.

Saved coble and 3 Selsey. . . Brigantine Fratelli Lami, of Genoa 8 Skateraw . . Schooner Andromeda, of Riga . . . 3 Southsea . . S.S. Pendeen, of Fowey.

Stood by vessel.

Southwold Smack Excelsior, of No. 1 . . Lowestoft. Rendered ' Sunderland Three cobles of Sunder- (South Out- land. Saved cobles let) and . . . . 9 Walmer . . Schooner Antonio Julia, of Oporto. Stood by vessel.

Wexford . . Schooner Nelly, of Groningen.

Rendered assistance.

Whitby No. 2 Fishing cobles of Whitby.

Stood by cobles.

Yarmouth . Cutter of H.M.S.

The Broadstairs Life-boat assisted to save the schooner Nikita, of Plymouth, and 5; Clacton on Sea Lifeboat assisted to save the s.s. Antigone, of London and 24; Cromer Life-boat assisted to save the schooner Desdemona, of Thurso, and 5; Holyhead (steam) Life-boat rendered assistance to the barquentine Ocean Swell, of Fowey. Kingsdowne Life-boat saved the schooner Creoula, of St.

Vincent, and 6; Margate No. 2 Life-boat saved the barge Lord Morton, of London, and 3 ; Palling No. 2 and Winterton No. 2 Life-boats assisted to save the s.s. Solent, of Sunderland, and 18; and Walmer Life-boat assisted to save the barque Lenita, of Bergkvara, and 10.

Also voted 1.022Z. Is. 9d. to pay the expenses of assemblies of the crews or launches of the following Life-boats, with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress: — Aldeburgh No. 1, Angle, Arbroath, Arklow, Bembridge, Berwick-on-Tweed, Bridlington Quay, Cahore, Caister No. 1, Clacton-on-Sea, Cullercoats, Dover, Dunbar, Eastbourne No. 2, Flamboro' No. 2, Gorleston No. 1, Hayling Island, Holyhead (steam), Holy Island No. 1, Huna, Johnshaven, Kessingland No. 1, Kingsdowne Littlehampton, Margate No. 2, Nairn, North Deal, North Sunderland, Palling No. 2, Plymouth, Port Erroll, Rosslare Harbour, Jidmouth, Southsea, Walmer, Walton-on- S"aze, Winterton No. 2 and Yarmouth. Granted 51. 7s. &d. to men injured in the Life-boat service at Palling, Selsey and Southsea.

Granted an additional allowance to the crew of the Southsea Life-boat for their arduous services on the 16th and 17th Decem- ber, 1910.

Voted 1Z. to two men for putting off in a boat and saving one of three persons, whose boat was capsized off Selsey, on 7th December in a fresh S.W. breeze and choppy sea. Also 21. 10s. to ten other men who assisted in the rescue.

Also 51. to five men for saving, at great personal risk, one of three men whose boat was swamped and sunk off Cockburnspath, in a strong E. breeze and very heavy ground-swell on 9th December, 1910.

Voted 11. 10s. to five men for putting off in a yawl, and saving twelve persons from the s.s. Ansgarius, of Stavanger, which stranded in a thick fog and heavy sea at Duncansby Ness, on 11th December.

Also 11. 15s. to seven men for putting off in a boat, in a strong S.W. gale and choppy sea, to the assistance of two men on the smack Pleiades, which stranded near Penmon, on 6th January. Also granted 6s. to four men for assistance to launch the boat.

THURSDAY, 9th February, 1911.

Sir JOHN CAMERON LAMB, C.B., O.M.G., V.P., in the Chair.

The Deputy Chairman conveyed the sad news of the sudden illness with which Sir FitzRoy Clayton was seized after the meetings of the Sub-Committees on the preceding Tuesday.

The Committee expressed their deep concern.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward and Organization Sub-Committees, and ordered their recommendations to be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Deputy-Chief In- spector of Life-boats on his recent visit to the Bridlington Quay Station.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors on their visits to the following Life-boat Stations:— Northern District.—Nairn, Lossiemouth, Buckie, Banff and Macduff, Port Erroll, Peterhead, Newburgh, Stonehaven, and Broughty Ferry.

Eastern District.—Aldeburgh (two boats), Sutton, Hornsea, Grimsby, and Bridlington Quay.

Southern District.—North Deal, Walmer, Kingsdowne, Salcombe, Hope Cove, Lyme Regis, Sidmouth, Exmouth, Yealm River, Plymouth, TeigNmouth, Brixham and Torquay.

Western District.—Appledore (two boats), St. David's, Port Eynon, The Mumbles, Pad- stow (two boats and a steam tug), and Port Isaac.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting :— & s. d.

His Majesty THE KING (annual subscription) 21 - - " In Memoriam " (Mrs. J. ASHTON) (annual subscription) .... 25 - - Mr. W. H. A. WHARTON (annual subscription) 20 - - Covent Garden Life-boat Fund (per Mr. GEORGE MONRO) . . . . 19 - - Mr. F. 0. BROWN (contribution box) 16 - - His Grace the DUKE OF WELLING- TON, Kr.G 10 - - H.M.S. Gibraltar Canteen Fund (per Commander W. M. BAMBER, B.N.) • . . 3 - - —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies :— The late Miss CHRISTIAN MARCH, of Aberdeen, for a Life-boat to be named James Marsh, and to be stationed on the East Coast of Scotland 1,000 - - The late Mrs. RACHEL HOLLAND, of South Norwood 500 - •- The late Miss E. F. AMPHLETT, of Droitwich 100 L - The late Mr. FREDERICK HOLGATE CARWARDINE, of Lowestoft . . 100 - - The late Mr. WILLIAM McCuNN, of Largs, Scotland, for the main- tenance of the Thomas McCunn Life-boat at Port Logan (on account) 100 - - Ditto, for the benefit of widows and other dependent relatives of men who have lost their lives in connection with the Life-boat service in Scotland (on account) 50 - - The late Mr. WILLIAM BYLAND, of Sheffield (additional) . . . . 26 11 10 The late Mr. F. W. N. LLOYD, of Bromley (additional) . . . . 15 1 4 The Committee expressed deep regret at the death of Lieut. H. H. Jackson, B.N.B., who had been Honorary Secretary of the Grimsby Branch for 11 years, and decided to send a letter of condolence to the bereaved family.

Voted the best thanks of the Committee of Management to Mr. A. Hugh Douglas in recognition of his past valuable services as Honorary Secretary of the ArraN Branch, which office he had just resigned.

Decided to take over the Life-boat Establish- ment at Spurn Point, which had hitherto been maintained by the Humber Conservancy.

Paid 3,178Z. for sundry charges in connexion with various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 341Z. Is. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Arklow . . Smack Lizzie, of Arklow 4 Smack Daisy, of Arklow 4 Ballycotton . Fishing-boat Winefred, of Ballycotton ... 5 Brixham . Ketch Vesta, of Plymouth 4 Courtown . Fishing-boat Morning Star, of Arklow . . 4 Fishing-boat St. Joseph, of Arklow .... 4 Fishguard . S.S. Dynamo, of Hull.

Assisted to save vessel and 14 Schooner Lizzie Edith, of Truro 4 Schooner Agnes Craig, of Chester. Landed 5.

Ketch Democrat, of Barnstaple. Landed 3 Barge Fishguard, of Fish- guard. Landed 2.

Gorleston Schooner Volant, of No. 1 Goole 4 Holyhead S.S. Bushmills, of Dublin 21 (Steam Life-boat) Margate, No. 1 Barge Anglo-American . 3 Afterwards saved vessel Montrose, Fishing-boat Ruby . . 2 No. 1 Fishing-boats of Mont- rose. Stood by boats.

St. Agnes . . Ship Ardencraig, of Glas- gow 15 St. Ives . . Lugger Ripple, of St. Ives.

Rendered assistance.

Walmer . . Ketch Yulan, of Harwich 2 The North Deal Life-boat assisted to save the brigantine Sela, of Faversham, and 7 ; Newlyn Life-boat rendered assistance to the schooner Lizzie Ellen, of Cardigan; Palling No. 2 Life-boat rendered assistance to the S.S. Lincoln, of Grimsby, and Winterton No. 2 Life-boat landed 18 passengers; Rams- gate Life-boat assisted to save the barge Jewish, of London, and 3 ; also saved 7 from the schooner Daninark, of Svendborg; and Southend Life-boat assisted to save the schooner Cimbri, of Gloucester.

Also voted 749Z. 9s. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, etc., with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress-.—Barry Dock, Caister No. l. Cromer, Dunbar, Gorleston Nos. 1 and 2, Greencastle, Groomsport, Lizard, Lowestoft No. 1, North Deal, Palling No. 2, Runswick, St. Mary's, Sennen Cove, Southend-on-Sea, Upgang, Walmer, Wells, and Yarmouth.

Voted 81. 10s. to men injured in the service at Brixham and Caister.

Voted 11. to two men for their promptness in saving two persons who got into difficulties off Poole on the 27th December, through losing an oar in a very rough sea and a northerly gale.

THURSDAY, 9th March 1911.

Sir JOHN CAMERON LAMB, G.B., G.M.G..V.P., in the Chair.

Resolved that a respectful request be made to HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN to become a Patron of the Institution.

The following resolution was carried unanimously:—" The Committee of Manage- ment have heard with the deepest regret of the illness of their Chairman, Sir FitzRoy Clayton, and desire to assure him of their sincere sympathy and of their earnest wishes for his speedy recovery. They reluctantly accept his resignation, as from the date of the Annual Meeting; and gratefully remembering the invaluable services he has rendered to the Institution for more than forty-eight years, they hope he may be willing to retain the office of Vice-President, and that they may continue to have the benefit of his counsel and support for many years." Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, Wreck and Reward, and Organisation Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recommendations be carried into effect.

Read the reports of the District Inspectors on their visits to the following Life-boat Stations:— Northern District. — Grail, Anstruther, Broughty Ferry, Montrose (two boats), Camp- beltown, Southend and Whitehaven.

Eastern District.—Hornsea, Scarborough, Filey, Caister (two boats), Yarmouth, Pake- field, South wold (two boats), Gorleston (two boats), Kessingland (two boats) and Lowestoft (two boats).

Southern District.—Margate (two boats), Folkestone and New Romney.

Western District.—Penzance, Sennen Cove, Newlyn, Hayle, St. Agnes, St. Mary's and Angle.

Irish District.—Groomsport, Donaghadee, Poolbeg, Howth, Wicklow, Kingstown (two boats) and Newcastle.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— & s. d.

Civil Service Life-boat Fund (per Mr. Harry Fincham, I.S.O.); balance of amount paid in re- wards in connexion with the Civil Service Life-boats during 1910; and on account of balance of maintenance . . . . . 574 8 - Readers of " The Christian" (per Messrs.- Morgan & Scott) ... 6 13 - Admiral Sir WILLIAM H. MAY, G.C.V.O., K C.B 5 - - H.M. Transport Rewa; collected onboard (per Capt. T. Kerr). . 2 8 10 —To lie severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— £ s. d.

The late Mr. THOMAS HORNE, of Solihull 3,858 14 9 The late Mr. THOMAS BRANDRETH, of Wimbledon Park (per Liver- pool Branch) 1,044 9 6 The late Mr. D. S. JACKSON, of Llandudno 918 17 6 The late Misses AGNES JULIA and CATHERINE ALISON SMITH, of London 181 7 3 The late Mr. WILLIAM D' A. AMERY, of Eckington 100 - - The late Mr. JOHN BENNETT WESTON, of Birkdale .... 90 - - The late Mr. WILLIAM WELLS, of Highbury 36 3 10 The late Mr. JOHN HEYWOOD, of Bolton (per Bolton Branch); balance 30 - - Reported the despatch to her station of the Wicklow new Life-boat.

Paid 4,119Z. for sundry charges in connexion with various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 1651. 3s. lid. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Barmouth . . S.S. Newbridge, of London. Rendered assistance.

Broadstairs . . Boat Nautilus, of Ramsgate. Saved boat and ... 2 Cloughey . . Ketch Azur, of Bel- fast. Landed 3.

Ketch Witch of Wave, of Belfast. Landed 3.

Newbiggin . . Cobles, of Newbiggin.

Stood by cobloa.

New Romney . Schooner Alcide, of Dunkirk. Stood by vessel.

Padstow No. 1 . Trawlers Sunflower and Crimson Rose, of Lowestoft. Stood by vessels.

Buckhaven . . Schooner Claggan, of Barrow. Landed 3.

The Fishguard Life-boat rendered assist- ance to the ketch Mouse, of Cardigan.

Also voted 6581.16s. 1M. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Aldeburgh No. 1, Angle, Cadgwith, Clovelly, Courtmac- sherry, Coverack, Cromer, Dover, Dnngene«s No. 1, Fishguard, Flamborough No. 2, Gor- leston No. 1, Hythe, Lizard, Llandudno, Margate No. 2, Newcastle (co. Down), New- haven, Palling No. 2, Peterhead, Rye Har- bour, St. Agnes, St. Mary's, Sheringham, Southend-on-Sea, Walton-on-Naze, Winter- ton and Yarmouth.

Voted 162. 10s. to a man injured in the Life-boat service at Walmer.

Voted a binocular glass and 21. to ALBERT THOMAS, and 61. to two other men, of the fishing-boat Marion, for saving with con- siderable risk and difficulty, the crew of two hands of the barge Stavanger, which foundered in a S.W. gale and heavy sea, near the Mouse Light-vessel, on 21st February.

Also 4:1. 10s. to nine men for putting off in two boats and, at slight risk, rescuing four men, whose skiff was capsized off Wicklow, in a squall during a strong W.N.W. gale and rough sea, on the 23rd February.

Voted 15s. to two men for rescuing, at moderate risk, two men whose boat was capsized when being beached at Pakefield, in a heavy sea, on the 20th February. The men when rescued were imprisoned under the boat.

THURSDAY, 16th March, 1911.

The Annual General Meeting of the Gover- nors and friends of the ROYAL NATIONAL LITE- BOAT INSTITUTION was held this day at the Royal United Service Institution, Whitehall, the Rt. Hon. the EARL OF DERBY, G.G.V.O., C.B., in the Chair.

The Chairman having alluded to the great and national character of the operations of the Institution, the Annual Report (which was published in May) was presented to the meeting.

The meeting was also addressed by Col. the Rt. Hon. John E.Bernard Seely,D.S.O.,M.P., the Rt. Hon. the Earl Waldegrave, P.O., Capt. Herbert Acton Blake (Deputy-Master of the Trinity House), Admiral J. Halliday Cave, C.B., the Hon. George C. Colville, Sir William White, K.C.B., F.R.S., and Sir John Cameron Lamb, C.B., C.M.G.

The officers for the current year were chosen and various resolutions were moved, seconded, and carried unanimously, pledging the meet- ing to renewed exertions on behalf of the benevolent and national objects of the Insti- tution, and expressing the fullest confidence in the Management.

The officers' names and the resolutions will be found in the May number of The Life-boat Journal.

THURSDAY, 13th April, 1911.

The Rt. Hon. the Earl Waldegrave, P.O., was unanimously elected Chairman, and Sir John Cameron Lamb, C.B., O.M.G., Deputy- Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Institution for the ensuing year.

Sir John Cameron Lamb having taken the Chair in the absence of Lord Waldegrave, the members of the Sub-Committees were elected for the current year.

Read a letter from Mr. E. W. Wallington, stating that her Majesty the Queen would be pleased to become a Patron of the Institution.

Resolved that a letter of thanks be sent to her Majesty.

Read a letter from his Grace the Duke of Northumberland accepting the office of Presi- dent of the Institution, to which he had been elected.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, Wreck and Reward, and Organisation Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recommendations be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Chief Inspector on his recent visit to Spurn Point Life-boat Station.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— Northern District. — Ballantrae, Port Patrick, Port Logan, Whithorn, Newbiggin, Irvine, Cromarty, Whitehaven and Kirkcud- bright.

Eastern District.—Winterton (two boats), Palling (two boats), Hasborough, Withernsea, Scarborough, Flamborough (two boats) and Donna Nook.

Southern District.—Hythe, Dover, Dunge- nees (two boats), Brighton, Weymouth, St.

Helier, St. Peter Port, Rye Harbour, Hastings, Newhaven, Cadgwith, The Lizard, Port- houstock, Coverack and Porthleven.

Western District. — Tenby, Rhyl, Lland- dulas, Point of Ayr, Llandudno, Newquay (Cornwall), St. Ives, Bude, Clovelly and Burnham.

Irish District.—Hoylake, Hilbre Island, New Brighton (two boats), Wicklow, Skerries, Cloughey, Carrickfergus, Port Erin, Port St.

Mary, Castletown and Douglas.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— & s. d.

A. & E 50 - In loving memory of MARY ANN PENRY (per Mrs. Amy Milner) . 25 - - Lieut.-Colonel J. CLIFTON BROWN (additional) 25 - - THE FRIENDLY BROTHERS OP ST.


E. NASH (additional) . . . . 10 10 - Tettenhall Church Collection (per Mr. LAWLEY SMITH) .... 6 6 11 H.M.S. Indus. Collection on board (per the Rev. S. H. W. LOVETT, R.N.) 2-11 H.M.S. Talbot. Donation from Canteen Fund (per Mr. GEORGE EVES, R.N.) - 19 - —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— The late Miss JANE DUNN, of Bel- £ s. d.

fast, for a Life-boat to be named John Dunn 1,000 - - The late Mr. EDMUND LYTHGOE, of Melbourne (further on account) . 769 5 9 The late Miss ELLEN YOUNG, of £ s. d.

Twickenham (further on account for a Life-boat to be named Sydney Webb) 541 13 4 The late Mr. JOHN BRADSHAW, of Cheltenham . 500 - - The late Mr. EDWARD GLAZEBROOK RYLANDS, of Bournemouth . . 450 - - The late Mr. J. R. REYNELL, of Camberwell 150 - - The late Mrs. GIBB, of Edinburgh 100 1 3 The late Mr. JOHN Yotraa, of Pollokshields 100 - - The late Miss CAIBNS, of Acklingtou 100 - - The late Mrs. G. SINCLAIR or WATERS, of Thurso 100 - - The late Mr. JOHN MITCHELL, of Bradford (per Bradford Branch). 50 - - The late Mr. GEORGE LAWSON MUNRO, of Highbury New Park 50 - - The late Mr. GASMAN PERRY RACK- STRAW, of Uxbridge . . . . 50 - - The late Mr. ALFRED STEPHENS, of Newport, Isle of Wight (per Isle of Wight Branch) 44 18 6 The late Miss MARY ANN VICTORIA CAPPE, of Jersey (per Jersey Branch) 5 - - The late Mr. DANIEL S. JACKSON, of Llanduduo (interest) .... - 16 6 The Committee specially recognised the good services extending over many years of the following Honorary Secretaries of Branches of the Institution: Mr. H. C. Whitehead, Appledore; Mr. H. C. Mills, Atherfield; Mr. H. Inglis, Ballantrae; the Rev. G. H. Lewis, Burnham; the Rev. J. W. Forde, Courtmac- sherry; Mr. W. H. McCowen, Fenit; Mr.

F. W. Thompson, Kingstown; Mr. J. Ander- son, Kirkcudbright; Mr. A. T. M. Bond, Lyme Regis; Mr. J. J. Lines, Newhaven; Dr. J. B. Laverick, Runswick and Staithes; Dr. Ernely Sumpter, Sheringham; Dr.

Bryant, Tenby; Mr. S. Hayward, Berkshire ; Miss A. E. Clayton, Settle; and Mr. George Monro, Covent Garden Life-boat Fund.

Reported the despatch to her station of the Cromarty Life-boat.

Paid 7.299Z. for sundry charges in connex- ion with various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 167Z. 14s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— Lives Lifeboat. Vessel. saved.

Anstruther . Fishing - boats of An- struther. Stood by boats.

Broughty Ferry Schooner Oloa Pauline, of Stavanger. Assisted to save vessel and . 5 Filey . . . Fishing cobles of Filey.

Stood by cobles Gorleston No. 1 Gorton Light-vessel. As- sisted Light-vessel.

Hope Cove. . S.S. Cardium, of Lon- don. Rendered assist- Lives life-boat. Vessel. saved.

North Deal . S.S. Winstanley, of Dub- lin. Stood by vessel.

Runswick . . S.S. Pearl, of Goole . 13 •Stronsay . . Ketch Haldon, of Kirk- wall. Landed 5.

Wicklow . . Schooner Lome, of Aberystwith ... 4 The Harwich No. 1 Life-boat saved the brigantine Lenore, of Faversham, and 6; Harwich No. 2 (steam) Life-boat assisted to save the brigantine Volant, of Hull, and 6; Ramsgate Life-boat rendered assistance to the S.S. Winstanley, of Dublin; and Tramore Life-boat assisted to save the schooner Christiania Davis and 3.

Also voted 8Hl. 11s. Id. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, etc., with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Aldeburgh No. 1, Brixham, Broad- stairs, Cadgwith, Caister No. 1, Clacton-on- Sea, Dover, Dunbar, Dungeness No. 1, Formby, Gorleston No. 1, Harwich (steam), Helvick Head, Kilmore, Lowestoft No. 1, Mevagissey, Newlyn, Newquay (Cornwall), New Romney, Palling No. 2, Port Eynon, Port St. Mary, Robin Hood's Bay, Runswick, Bye Harbour, St. Andrews, St. Mary's, Sennen Cove, Southend-on-Sea, Staithes, Walmer, Walton - on - Naze, Weymouth, Whitburn, Whitby No. 1, and Winterton No. 2.

Voted 4Z. 5s. 6d. to a man injured in the Life-boat service at Winterton.

Voted additional pay to the crews of the Cadgwith Helvick Head, and Robin Hood's Bay Life-boats for arduous services during rough weather in March.

In connexion with the wreck of the schooner Teaser, of Montrose, and the loss of her crew of three men in Ardmore Bay, during a whole S.E. gale and very heavy sea, on the 18th March, the Committee made the following awards for the very gallant attempts made to save the men's lives:— To the Rev. Father O'SHEA, the leader of the men, by whose example and initiative the attempts at rescue were made—the Gold Medal of the Institution and a copy of the Vote on vellum.

To RICHARD BARRY, Second Class Petty Officer, Coastguard, and to ALEXANDER NEAL, Leading Boatman, Coastguard, who attempted to swim off to the vessel and after- wards boarded her at great risk—the Silver Medal and 51. each and a copy of the Vote on vellum; it was also decided to bring their gallant conduct to the notice of the Admiral Commanding Coastguard and Reserves.

To Mr. WILLIAM HARRIS, who boarded the the vessel at great risk—a binocular glass and a Vote of Thanks on vellum.

To Constable LAWTON, B.I.C., who also boarded the wreck at great risk—a Vote of Thanks on vellum and 51.; it was also decided to report his service to the Inspector-General, Royal Irish Constabulary.

To PAT POWER, CON. O'BRIEN and JOHN O'BRIEN, who went out in the boat but did not board the wreck—11.10s. each. A detailed account of this service is given on page 594.

Voted 21. 5s. to three men for saving, at some risk, three persons whose boat was cap- sized in a moderate S.W. gale and rough sea off Folkestone, on the 23rd February. One of the men when picked up was unconscious.

Voted 91. to five men for saving five of the crew of the fishing-boat Guiding Star, of Kirkcaldy, which was in distress in Montrose Bay during a strong W.S.W. gale on the 24th February. The crew of the Guiding Star were quite exhausted when the salvors reached her, and previous to their arrival one of the men had been washed overboard and drowned.

Voted 10s. to a man for his promptness in saving another man whose boat fouled the propeller of a steamer and was cut in two, at the mouth of the River Tees on the 5th March. The man, who could not swim, sup- ported himself on an oar until picked up by the salvor.

THURSDAY, 11th May, 1911.

Sir JOHN CAMERON LAMB, C.B., C.M.G..V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence, Wreck and Reward, and Organisation Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recommendations be carried into effect.

Read the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— Northern District.—Banff.

Eastern District.—Button, Mablethorpe, Skegness, and Aldeburgh (two boats).

Southern District. — Looe, Falmouth, Mevagissey, Polkerris, Hastings, Shoreham, Southend-on-Sea, Poole, and Swanage

Western District.—Lynmouth, Ilfracombe, Appledore (two boats), Aberdovey, Aberyst- with, Barmouth, Abersoch, Porthdinllaen, Pwllheli, and Criccieth.

Irish District.—Ramsey, Peel, Helvick Head, Tramore, Dunmore East, Arklow, Courtmacsherry, Queenstown, Youghal, Ballycotton, and Fenit.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— Mrs. ELIZA STREATFEILD, further £ s. d.

towards the cost of a Life-boat to be named Hugh Taylor, for Yarmouth 100 - - LORD CREWE'S Trustees (annual subscription) 30 - - 10 - - The Family of the late Mr. Louis WILLIAM BOIZE All Saints' Church, Blackheath, donation from Ladies' Working Party (per the Rev. G. I. Swm- NBBTON, M.A.) 4 A Thank Offering for Three Score Years and Ten 3 10 - —To be severally thanked.

Also reported the receipt of the following legacies:— Thelate Mr. JOHN EDWARD CUTLER, of Sheffield 150 - The late Mrs. ESTHER GOZINA BERNARD, of Kentish Town . . 100 - - Great regret was expressed at the death of Mr. J. Wallace, who had been Honorary Secretary of the Broadstairg Branch for 13 years, and the Rev. Stephen Goggin, who had been Honorary Secretary of the Ballycotton Branch for nearly two years.

The Committee decided to send letters of condolence to the bereaved families.

Voted the beet thanks of the Committee to Mr. W. J. McMurray in recognition of his long and good services as Honorary Secretary of the Portrush Branch of the Institution, which office he had just resigned on account of leaving the locality.

Reported the despatch to their stations of the new boats for St. Abbs, Seaham and Tynemouth.

Paid 4,158Z. for sundry charges in connexion with various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 21U. 18s. 5d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. Saved.

Buckle . . Fishing-boat Joseph, of Banff. Saved boat and 3 Fenit . . . Barque Port Stanley, of Glasgow 30 Gorleston Shrimp-boat Ernest, of No. 1 Yarmouth. Saved boat and 2 Shrimp-boat Dove, of Yar- mouth. Saved boat and 2 The Lizard . S.S. Fleswiak, of Liver- pool. Rendered assist- ance.

Montrose . . Two fishing-boats of No. 1 Montrose. Stood by boats.

Newbiggin . Coble Louisa, of New- biggin. Stood by coble.

Newlyn . . S.S. Cragoswald, of New- castle 27 Sheringham . Fishing-boats of Shering- ham. Saved 4 boats and 12 Lives Life-boat. Vessel. Saved.

Sunderland . A pleasure boat. Saved North Dock boat and 4 Whitby No. 2 Fourteen fishing-cobles of Whitby. Stood by cobles.

Six fishing-cobles of Whitby. Stood by cobles.

Clacton-on-Sea Life-boat saved the yacht Blackbird, of Leigh-on-Sea, and 2; and New- haven Life-boat assisted to save the schooner Daniel, of Nantes, and 4.

Also voted 266Z. 9s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches or assem- blies of crews, etc., with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress :—Arbroath, Caister No. 1, Courtmacsherry, Cromer, Dunbar, Dungeness No. 1, Kessingland No. 2, Littlehaven, Lowestoft No. 2, Mumbles, Newburgh, North Deal, Palling No. 2, Pen- mon, Penzance, Queenstown, Rhoscolyn, Tenby, and Winterton No. 2.

Voted 2J. 5s. to nine men for putting off in a boat to the assistance of the coal-boat Neville, which was in danger of being swamped when returning to Cromer in a heavy sea on the 8th April. Also 11. 7s. to nine men who assisted to launch the salvors' boat.

Also 14Z. 10s. to the crew and helpers of the private Life-boat at Sheringham, for saving, at moderate risk to themselves, eight whelk- boats and their crews of sixteen men off Sheringham on 8th April. The boats were overtaken by an E.N.E. gale and a very heavy broken sea, and the salvors were occupied for nearly four hours in saving the men.

Voted 10s. to two men for promptly saving three persons from the fishing-boat Swift, which was capsized in a choppy sea off Llandudno, by a sudden squall, on -the 15th April. The salvors, who were fishing, saw the accident; they at once cut away their nets and succeeded in rescuing the men in a very exhausted condition. Also allowed 12s. 6d. to replace the tackle lost by the salvors.

Voted 11. 10s. to four men for putting off in a boat and, at moderate risk, saving a man whose boat, when towing alongside a steamer, was crushed between the ship and a buoy at Dover, on the 7th April.

Voted 11. to four men for promptly saving two of three men whose small fishing-boat was capsized in a strong squall of wind in Cromarty Firth on 25th April. The salvors proceeded to the assistance of the men who were clinging to the capsized boat and picked them up, but one man was unconscious and could not be resuscitated.


The next number of the LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL will be published on the 1st November, 1911.