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During a whole N.E. by N. gale on the 12th January an exciting scene was witnessed on the beach at North Deal. At about 7 o'clock flares were observed from a sinking vessel, which had been in col- lision and was then lying less than a mile from the shore. A tug went to her assistance, but could not get a hawser aboard owing to the rough weather.

The North Deal Life-boat, Charles Dibdin, was launched from the beach, but despite the desperate exertions of the crew and those on shore, the moun- tainous seas washed completely over the Life-boat, and finally knocked her broad- side on the foreshore. After a most exciting scene, she was successfully got afloat, and proceeded to the vessel, which proved to be the brigantine Sela, of Faversham, bound for France with coal. With great difficulty Life-boat- men were put on board, and communica- tion with a tug was at length established.

The vessel's anchor was then slipped and both the vessel and her crew of seven hands were taken to Dover Harbour in safety..