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The schooner Lome, of Arklow, put into Wicklow harbour early in the morning of the 18th March in the height of an E.S.E. gale. The vessel left Garston with a cargo of coal bound for Balli- nacurra, Co. Cork, but when she reached the Blackwater Light-ship on the Wexford coast, a strong gale was blowing, and she was driven back, the heavy seas breaking over her, and she headed for the Wicklow coast. Here they steered safely into the outer harbour, and made fast to a buoy, but the wind and seas caused her to break the chain, and dragging the buoy with her, she drifted on helplessly to the sand bank, fifty yards distant, where she stranded. The crew, seeing their danger, at 4 A.M. made'signals of distress, and word was immediately sent to the Honorary Secretary of the Life-boat.

The new motor Life-boat, Robert Theo- philus Garden, which arrived at the station recently, was anchored in the river. The crew soon arrived, and in ten minutes they were alongside the distressed vessel, the Honorary Secre- tary, Mr. R. Lees, accompanying them.

They immediately took off the crew of four hands and brought them ashore.

This was the first occasion that the new motor Life-boat was called out since her arrival at the station; she proved thoroughly satisfactory in every respect, and was greatly appreciated by the crew. The vessel was half full of water when the Life-boat got alongside and was likely to become a total wreck..