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Lizzie and Daisy

At 9 o'clock in the evening* of the 11 th January, when a whole gale was blowing, it was reported that some of the fishing-hoats were at sea in a helpless condition with their sails blown away. Steps were taken to verify the report, and it was seen that two smacks were at anchor about half a mile from the shore. As far as could be seen by the moonlight they appeared to be shipping a great deal of water.

The crew of the Life-boat Frances and Charlotte were assembled, and the boat launched. Heavy seas were met when crossing the bar under oars, but as soon as the boat was outside she had a fair wind, and quickly reached the disabled crafts, which were the Lizzie and Daisy.

The eight men on board were rescued without delay, and the Life-boat com- menced her return journey. A very rough time was experienced by the crew when beating up against the wind and tide, as heavy seas washed the boat continuously, and it was 3 o'clock in the morning before the Life-boat reached her station..