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The Life-boat John Byburn was sent on 3rd March to the assistance of a vessel which had stranded on Ingal Skerry and was showing signals of distress.

A messenger reported at 10.30 A.M. that the vessel was on a dangerous rock, and at 10.45 the Life-boat was despatched.

The vessel proved to be the ketch Haldon, of Kirkwall, coal-laden for Stronsay. She went ashore in the early morning, when it was very dark and a thick haze was obscuring all the Lights.

The S.W. wind was moderate, but as the morning advanced the wind in- creased and the aspect of the weather became very threatening, it was there- fore considered advisable to take off the crew of five hands and land them as a matter of precaution. Two days later the weather moderated and a steamer was able to save the vessel..