The Life-Boat Station
THE following brief description and diagrams illustrative of a complete Life-boat Establishment, including the House for the protection of the boat, will serve to convey an idea of the general character of one of the 281 Life-boat Stations of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION.
It will be seen that it is a work of a costly nature, and that not only in the first instance, but that a large permanent expense is entailed in keeping the whole machinery in an efficient state, in the re-supply of any part of it which may be destroyed or worn out, in the exercise of the boats' crews, in launching and working the boats and in rewarding them for their services in saving, or attempting to save, their fellow-creatures. Yet, looking to the vast importance of the result effected and the responsibility of calling on men to risk their lives in effecting the same, it is felt that few if any persons will be found who will consider that expense to be incurred in vain..