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Shore-Boat Services Rewarded By the Royal National Life-Boat Institution In 1910

Jan. 13.—Five men put off in a boat for the purpose of saving the crew of the smack Margaret Ann, of Fishguard, which stranded in a moderate W.N.W. gale and rough sea, off Bumham, on the 1st December, 1909.—Reward, 11. 10s. Also 18s. to three men who assisted to launch the boat.

Jan. 13.—Voted the thanks of the Insti- tution engrossed on vellum and framed together with 2i. each to JASPER STEER and JOHN TRIBBLE for their gallant services in putting off in a boat and saving two men whose boat had been swamped in a strong easterly gale and very heavy sea, off Brixham, on the 15th December. The men when saved were in a very exhausted condition and the risk incurred by the salvors was very great.

Jan. 13.—Two men saved, at moderate risk, two persons who were in great danger of being blown out to sea off Penzance, owing to their mast carrying away, in a moderate N.E. gale and rough sea on the 15th December, 1909.— Reward, 21.

Jan. 13.—Eight men assisted at slight risk to save the fishing-boat Ariel, and her crew of two men, in a whole S.W. gale and very heavy sea off Margate on the 2nd December, 1909. Five helpers assisted to launch the boat.—Reward, 4Z. 10s.

Jan. 13.—Three men assisted the crew of the fishing-boat Mazeppa, which was dismasted about three miles to the south-west of Aberyst- with, in a strong and squally E. wind with moderate sea on the 14th December, 1909.— Reward, II. 10s.

Jan. 14.—Three men promptly put off in a boat and at slight risk rescued a man from a boat which was in danger of being swamped off Moelfre, in a strong S.W. wind and rough sea.—Reward, II. 10s.

Jan. 22.—Four men promptly put off in a boat and rescued a man whose punt struck the bar at Aberystwith and threw him into the water in a moderate N.N.E. breeze and moderate sea.—Reward, II. 10s.

Feb. 6.—Eight men rescued the crew of ten men of the trawler Nemrod, of Ostende, wrecked near Chale, Isle of Wight, in a stormy S.W. breeze and heavy sea.—Reward, 4Z. 10s.

Also 7s. to the man who first reported the wreck.

Feb. 22.—Four men promptly put off from Ramsey and saved five men of the s.s. Craig Ailsa, whose boat was unmanageable and batting into broken water in a very strong .S.E. breeze and rough sea.—Reward, II.

March 1.—Four men promptly put off in a boat and saved a man, whose boat had been dismasted, in a very strong S.S.W. wind and moderate sea, off Bull Bay.—Reward, II.

March 10.—Ordered special letters of thanks to be sent to Mr. P. RIPLEY and Mr. THOMAS MAW, for rendering valuable assistance in landing seven of the crew of the steam trawler Ingoniar, on the 10th February, when the vessel was wrecked near Ravenscar, Yorkshire.

March 18.—Sent a special letter of thanks, together with 51., to Mr. THOMAS HUTTON, for rushing into the surf and, at great risk, rescuing a man from shrimper Ivy, of Grimsby, wrecked near Donna Nook in a northerly gale and very rough sea.

March 21.—Five men put off in two boats and saved two men whose boat was capsized in a strong E. wind and heavy sea, when returning to harbour at Ballycotton.—Reward, 21. 10s.

April 8.—Several men put off in two boats and searched for a boat containing two people, which had put off in moderate weather from Port Erin, and failed to return when expected. — Reward, 81.12s.

April 14.—Voted 51. to Mr. WILLIAM THORN- DALE, H.M. Coastguard, Rye Harbour, and decided to bring the case specially under the notice of the Admiral Commanding Coast- guard and Reserves, for his gallant conduct in going into the surf and, at very considerable risk, rescuing a man who had, been swept off his feet and was in danger of being washed out to sea, when assisting to launch the Life- boat for service on the 22nd December, 1909.

April 28.—Four men promptly saved the coble Jeannies, and her crew of four hands, near North Sunderland. The wind was S.W.

with very heavy squalls and the coble had her mast carried away and rudder damaged, ren- dering her unmanageable.—Reward, 11.

May 12.—Voted the silver medal together with 31. to Mr. JOHN DAWSON ARMSTRONG, and SI. each to four other men for gallantly putting off in a small coble and at great risk saving the crew of three men of the coble Sunbeam, which was capsized in Druridge Bay, near Hauxley, in a moderate southerly gale and moderate sea, on the 18th April.

The men, when picked up, were in a very exhausted condition. Also granted 7s. to a man who hastened to call the Hauxley Life- boat to the assistance of the wrecked men and the salvors.

May 12.—Six men put off in a boat on the 8th April from Port St. Mary to search for a missing boat and subsequently landed the two persons who had been in her from the Chickens Rock Light-house, where they had taken refuge.—Reward, 4/. 10s.

May 13.—Three men promptly put off in a small motor-boat and saved two men from an open boat which was in difficulties in a moderate off-shore gale and heavy sea, and was in danger of being swamped off Working- ton.—Reward, 11. 2«. 6d.

May 29.—Three men promptly saved two persons from the sailing boat Viking, which capsized in moderate gusty weather and smooth sea, in Mumbles Bay. A third man who was in the boat was unfortunately drowned.—Reward, 11. 10s.

June 9.—Two men saved three persons from a boat, which was drifting out to sea, off Ballycotton, owing to her mast having •carried away and no anchor being on board. —Reward, 10s.

June 9. — Twenty - one men rescued at moderate risk five persons from the fishing- boat Confidence, which was thrown on to the North Extension Pier when proceeding out of Lowestoft Harbour in a light B.S.E. breeze and heavy sea on the 13th May.—Re- ward, 51. 5s.

June 9.—Ten men promptly carted a punt one and a half miles and put off and saved three persons from the yacht Oannett, which struck on the edge of the Rock Channel near Hoylake and sank in fine weather on the 29th May. The men when rescued were in an exhausted condition. Also sent a letter of thanks to Mr. P. R. GRIFFIN, who swam from the yacht a considerable distance to the shore, for the purpose of obtaining help.— Reward, 51.

June 13.—Two men promptly put off in a boat to the assistance of a lad, who was adrift in a smack's boat with only one oar, in Lowestoft Roads. There was some sea on the banks, and the two men incurred slight risk.—Reward, 15s.

June 24.—Seven men promptly put off in three boats and rescued three men, whose I boat capsized off Courtmacsherry in fine weather.—Reward, 11. Is.

June 29.—Seven men promptly put off in | a boat and saved four persons from a small boat which was being blown out to sea off Deal, in a moderate westerly gale and very choppy sea.—Reward, 11. 15s.

July 2.—A man saved at moderate risk four persons unused to the management of a boat, who were being blown out to sea off Pen- zance. in a moderate N.W. gale and rough sea.—Reward, 7s. 6d.

July 14.—Voted a pair of binoculars suitably inscribed to Mr. JOHN R. LAWRENCE, Principal Light-keeper at Pentland Skerries Light house, and 31. to three other men for their j meritorious conduct in saving the crew o seven hands of the fishing vessel Strathyre of Findochty, wrecked at Pentland Skerries in a heavy tide race, in moderate weather, on the 25th May. The vessel sank immediately after the men had left her.

July 14.—Voted an aneroid binocular bearing a suitable inscription to Mr. LEWIS JONES, for saving a young man whose boa was swamped through trying to anchor in the tide race near Hilbre Island, on the 25th June. The salvor heard cries for help and promptly launching a punt, succeedec after considerable trouble in saving the man in a very exhausted condition.

July 14.—Three Scarborough men saved a man from a small coble which capsized of Filey Brigg on the 12th April. The salvor: observed the accident and rescued the man n a very exhausted condition. There was a moderate S.S.W. wind blowing, and the salvors incurred great risk owing to the water — Reward, 31.

July 21. — Five men promptly put off in a joat and, at moderate risk, saved two visitors and a boatman, whose boat was caught in a evere squall and was in danger of foundering n Llandudno Bay. — Reward, 11. 5s.

July 24. — Three men of the lugger Gipsy King saved, at moderate risk, two persons :rom the sailing punt Curlew, which was jeing blown out to sea off the North Foreland n a strong N.W. breeze and rough sea. — Reward, 21. 5s.

July 29. — Two men promptly put off in a boat and, at slight risk, saved a man who was being driven out to sea about two miles ;o the east of Alnmouth, in squally weather.

— Reward, 11.

Aug. 4. — Three men promptly rescued three persons from the boat of a pleasure trawler, which capsized off Courtmacsherry at 10.30 P.M. Also sent a letter- of thanks to Mr. SHEEHY, a visitor who assisted at the rescue. — Re- ward, 15s.

Aug. 8. — Nine men put off in two boats and searched for a visitor, who had gone out in a pleasure boat from Port Erin, and was missing at 11 P.M. The man was found on Calf Island, and was landed by one of the boats. — Reward, 21. 5s., and allowed 3s. 6d. for an oar which was lost. Also granted 10s. to four Life-boatmen who remained on duty in readiness from 11 P.M. until 4 A.M., in case the Life-boat should be required.

Aug. 11. — Six men promptly saved a man whose boat was being driven out to sea off Killough, in a strong N.W. wind and rough sea, on 7th July. — Reward 11. 10s.

Aug. 16.— Four men promptly saved two persons from a small rowing boat, which was unmanageable and in danger of being swamped off Moelfre Island, in a strong S.W. breeze and moderate sea. — Reward, ll.

Aug. 23. — Three men rescued two persons from an open sailing boat, which got into difficulties off Cemaes, in a fresh S.W. breeze and choppy sea. The salvors who were fishing, seeing signals for help, proceeded to the boat and at slight risk rescued the occupants, towing the boat into Cemaes Harbour. — Reward, 11. 10s.

Aug. 27. — Four men promptly put off in a boat and at slight risk rescued three persons from a boat of the s.s. Empress of India, which capsized in Poole Harbour. Two other men were unfortunately drowned before help could reach them. — Reward, 21.

Sept. 8.— Two men promptly put off and saved two fishermen, whose boat was capsized on the bar at Rathfran, Co. Mayo, in a strong S.W. breeze and heavy sea, on the 3rd June.

— Reward, 11. Granted 4s. to a man who assisted to launch the boat, and allowed 6s. for an oar which was broken in performing the rescue.

Sept. 8.—Eight men landed eleven of the crew of the French fishing vessel Le Due d'Aumale, of Fecamp, which stranded on the Harbour bar at Whitby on the 23rd July. —Reward, 2J.

Sept. 23.—Two men saved, at moderate risk to themselves, two persons whose boat was wrecked in Cardigan Bay, in a strong N.N.W.

breeze and moderately rough sea.—Reward, 15s.

Oct. 13.—Ordered a special letter of thanks I to be sent to Mr. M'CORRELL,, and awarded 15s. to JAMES ANDERSON, for the promptness in saving, at some risk to themselves, two of four persons whose boat was capsized in a sudden squall, in Strangford Lough, on 12th August.

Oct. 13. — Voted 30s. each to a sergeant and to three of the Royal Irish Constabulary, also 11. each to three civilians for putting off in two canoes and, at great risk, saving one of three persons, whose canoe was capsized in the tide race near Bealadangau Pier, Co.

Galway, on 3rd September. The gallant conduct of the sergeant and constables was also brought to the favourable notice of the Inspector-General of the Royal Irish Con- stabulary.

Oct. 15.—Awarded the thanks of the Insti- tution inscribed on vellum, and 30s., to JOSEPH SEAELE, and 42.10s. to three other men for saving three of five men, whose boat was capsized in a heavy sea off Penzance Harbour.

The five men put off from the s.s. Jarnac to come ashore when their.boat capsized, throwing them into the water, and before the salvors could reach them, two of them had disap- peared. In the heavy surf the salvors incurred great risk, and it was owing to the skill and ability of Searle that the service was suc- cessful.

Oct. 31.—Seven men put off in a boat, and at considerable risk, saved the coble Annie and her crew of two hands, in a strong gale and heavy sea, off Scarborough.—Reward, 31. 10s.

Nov. 10.—Awarded the thanks of the Insti- tution, inscribed on vellum, and the silver medal, together with a reward of 51., to SYDNEY MORTIMER, as well as votes of thanks and 51. each to SAMUEL HUSK and SAMUEL GUPPY for very gallantly putting off in a boat and rescuing ten of the survivors from the wreck of the St. David's Life-boat on 13th October. Also 12i. 10s. to five other men for also putting off and rescuing the remainder, five in number, and 10s. to a man who also rendered assistance.

Nov. 10.—Awarded the silver medal and 51. to JAMES COWIE for plunging into the sea at Gorleston, and at great risk rescuing one of the crew of the steam drifter Mistletoe, of Banff, on the 15th October.

Nov. 10.—Five men saved, at moderate personal risk, two persons from a small boat, which became unmanageable, and was being blown out to sea off Ramsgate, during a strong E.N.E. gale and very heavy sea, on the 13th October.—Reward, 31. 15s.

Nov. 10.—Four men put off in a boat, in a N.E. gale and a very heavy choppy sea, for the purpose of saving a man whose boat had capsized off Shoreham, on 13th October. The man who was in danger succeeded in getting ashore before the four men reached him.— Reward, 31.

Nov. 28.—The crew of the private Life-boat at Sheringham, put off to the assistance of twenty local fishing-boats, which were caught in a sudden N.W. gale, and in grave danger.

Many helpers assisted to launch the boat.— Reward, 27Z.

Dec. 8.—Six men put oft in a boat and, at moderate risk, saved two men off Ballycotton, who had got into difficulties through their sail being blown away and an oar breaking, on 31st October.—Reward, 31.