General Index
ANNUAL REPORT . . . . 337 r e~P° Balance Sheet 352 T 'f w? Box Collections . - - *?& -kiie-po Branch Contributions Committee ol Managem General Contributions Income and Expenditui Legacies and Legacy Fo Life-Belt, Description o I« uie-bo - : :| &s K Account 346 Ll*e,~!*; rms. 452,453 M°d*« f ' • ' 415 Notice 1 ffi ME-* :! SSff -S SKSMSa . : : :S at 1SS bescriition of I OS * $S™* ? at Stations, Establishment a ffigk .Gold and Silver' '. '. '. 419 wSF.u?±?t to Boatmen 365 WOTK of lnstlt nd Bequests, appro- [910) . . . 461 at Funds . . . .458 ad Capital Accounts 350.