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The Motor Fleet

" STEADILY onwards," may be said to be the policy of the Institution, in regard to the installation of motive power in its Fleet of Life- boats.

A year ago we gave a description of the various boats which were already on the coast. Since then the advance has been satisfactory, two more having been completed and sent to Broughty Ferry and Donaghadee, both under their own power, the distance by sea being 425 and 558 miles respectively.

The Broughty Ferry boat ex- perienced some trouble when leaving Harwich, due to her propeller blades being bent, owing to a hardwood wedge which lodged in the propeller tunnel when launching from the boatyard, and also to some difficulty with the magneto ; but after these defects had been made good, she cleared from that port, on the 7th October, and arrived at her destina- tion on the llth, without further incident.

The Donaghadee boat left Harwich earlier in the year, on the 1st July and, proceeding via the East Coast and the Forth and Clyde Canal, arrived at her Station on the llth of that month, the run throughout being very satisfactory, the only delay experienced being for 2 hours, due to slight heating of the thrust and after crank-shaft bearings.

The Wicklow boat has also carried out her river trials, and is, at the time of writing, preparing to leave for Harwich to carry out her sea trials, prior to her despatch to her Station.

In this issue we give a table showing some interesting particulars in connexion with the boats at their Stations, and those being built.1 ': " Tynemouth (old) Reserve No. 2 Newhaven Waltou-on-Naze Stronsay Stromness Fishguard Broughty Ferry .

Donaghadee .

Wicklow .

St. Abbs . . .

St. Davids . .

Tynemouth (new) Campbeltown Beaumaris Peterhead BOAT.

2 0 1904 1906 1907 1906 1908 1908 1908 1909 1909 1910 1910 1910 1911 1911 1911 1911 1911 0, H S.R.

















S 38' x 8' 42'xll' 37' x 9' 3" 43' x 12' 6" 43' x 12' 6" 42' x 11' 6" 40' x 10' 6" 40' x 11' 43' x 12' 6" 40' x 10' 6" 38' x 10' 38' x 10' 40' x 10' 6" 40' x 10' 6" 43' x 12' 6" 43' x 12' 6" 43' x 12' 6" * £ 14 16 11 16 12 12 12 12 10 10 10 MOTOR.


0 S /Fay & BowenJ Tylor .

Thornycroft Blake .

Blake .

Tylor .

Tylor .

Tylor .

Blake .

Tylor .

Wolseley Tylor .

Tylor .

Tylor .

Tylor .

Tylor .

W « 11 30 24 40 40 30 24 40 40 40 91 34 40 40 55 55 55 » O 3'g £ 500 900 1000* 550 600 800 650 700 600 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 *J '3 & cwt.

24 15* 15J 20J 12 10 10 10 11 11 13 11 Cylinder.

£ S * 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 .

-2 I A 5 *4 51 6A 5 5 5i 6A &i 5 5 5* 5J 6 6fi q- |s hJ CO 5 «i 6j 6A Si Si 6i 6A 6J gi of 6* 7? 7S e O*S Forced ,, ,, „ „ „ „ '' S S S1 Dual L.T.M.

Dual H.T.M.









1 S a 21" 19" 22" 22" 18" 19i" 21" 24" 23" 21" 21" 23" 5 5 15" 14" 21" 24" 21" 23" 22" 24" 21" 26 J" 20" S' a s 1 (Durham Churchill Buffalo . .

Thornycroft clutch j Blake clutch G.R.P. . .j V.R.P. . J M.R.P. . ./ V.R.P. . .{ H. & S. . .! H..& S. . .{ VR P V.R.P. . .

H. & S. . .

Gardner .


ra fi« 11 «« 430 to 450 861 800 fiOO 612 532 816 700 680 572 700 640 580 500 640 . ss M« h7-2 (7-27 (6-8 6-98 7-2 6-4 6-65 5-86 6-70 5-87 7-2 6-7 6-9 6-38 7-12 6-96 PETROL.

T! 1 g 42 S-0 a = K K8S, 12 18-5 J15-6 20-4 25 20 21 16 22 14 34-5 28-5 29-25 18-75 36 31-5 "S H 3 S a 16 38 36 60 J60 |oO }50 |50 J60 }60 0 50 60 60 80 80 80 ] 1 / S • I sl f 'S(§ y H * Motor and accessories.


! L.T.M. = Low Tension Magneto. [ G.R.P. = Gaine's Reversible Propeller.

H.T.M. = High Tension Magneto. „ Gear V.R.P. = Villinger's Reversible Propeller.

Dual = Starts on accumulator and coil and runs on L.T.M. lieverse jj - p _ ]y[eiS3ner g Reversible Propeller.

I H. & S. = Hesse and Savory Reverse Gear.

S H ffi M w O H 1 ,_,' H H Wa w - »— * to (— *.