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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

THURSDAY, 13th October, 1910.

Colonel Sir FitzRoY CLAYTON, K.C.V.O..V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered their recom- mendations to be carried into effect.

Read the minutes of the last meeting of the Central Committee of the Life-boat Saturday Fund, and, subject to certain qualifications, decided to accept the resolutions with regard to the winding up of the Fund.

The Chairman, in accordance with his undertaking, brought under the notice of the Committee the Pension Scheme of the Insti- tution. The Scheme having been discussed, it was decided that no alteration should be made.

Read the reports of the District Inspectors en their visits to the following Life-boat Stations:— Hortheru District.—Longhope, Stromness, Stronsay, Stornoway, Campbeltown, South- end (Cantyre) and Kirkcudbright.

Eastern District. — Sheringham, Cromer, Robin Hood's Bay, Flamborough (two boats), Scarborough, Filey, Redcar, Staithes, Runs- wick, Saltburn, Whitby (two boats), Upgang, Cullercoats, Tynemouth, Cambois, Blyth and Seaham.

Southern District.—Newhaven, Hythe, The Lizard, Coverack, Porthoustock, Cadgwith, Porthleven, Falmouth, Polkerris, Mevagissey and Looe.

Western District.—Newlyn, Sennen Cove and Penzance.

Irish District. — Donaghadee, St. Anne's, Fleetwood, Blackpool, Lytham, Piel (Barrow), Southport, Wicklow and Kingstown (two boats).

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— & s. d.

Oldham Branch, for one year's maintenance of Oldham Life- boat at Abersoch 70 - - " A. A. H." 50 - - " M. E. A." (annual subscription) . 25 - - Christ's Hospital Girls' School Chapel Offertory (per Mr. J. F. B. Sharpe) 65- The Remington Typewriter Em- ployment Bureau 55- Court Flower of Suffolk, No. 2695, A.O.P. (proceeds of church parade at Chelmondiston) .... 36- S.S. Royal Edward, collected on board (per the Canadian Northern Steamships, Ltd.) . . . , . 3 - - Royal Naval Barracks Church, Portsmouth, donation from Offer- tory Fund (per the Rev. Charles Ingles, M.A.) 2 - - H.M.S. Kent, contribution from the "Ward Room Officers (per the Rev.

H. S. Crole-Rees, R.N.) ... 1 15 7 —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies :— The late Miss ELIZABETH DIDS- BUBY, of Rotherham . . . 506 - 6 The late Mrs. CHARLOTTE MAY, of Durban, towards the cost of two Life-boats for the English coast (per the Lord Mayor of London) 500 - - The late Mr. FREDERICK KITCHEN, | of Carnarvon (further on account) 432 - - The late Mr. HENRY MINSON, of Green Lanes, Stoke Newington 292 19 8 The late Mr. JOHN EDWARD CUTLER, of Sheffield 100 - - The late LADY LOUISA SOPHIA GOLDSMID, of Portman Square, W. (share of residue) , 100 - - The late Mrs. HELEN WELSBY, of Ormskirk 25 -* - Deep regret was expressed at the death of Mr. JOHN N. TAYLOR, who had been Honorary Secretary of the West Hartlepool Branch for 18 years, and it was decided to send a letter of condolence to his family.

Reported the transmission to their stations of the Broughty Perry and Kirkcudbright new Life-boats.

Appointed Lieutenant W. G. Rigg, R.N., a District Inspector of Life-boats, vice Lieu- tenant P. Maclean, R.N.R., resigned.

Paid 7,876Z. for sundry charges in connexion with various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 662. 16s. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Aldeburgh Barge Monarch of Lon- No. 2 don 2 Caister No. 1 . Barge Empress of India, of Ipswich .... 4 Newhaven . S.S. Progress, of Sunder- land. Stood by vessel.

Southend-on- S.S. Duke of Abercorn, of Sea Southend. Rendered assistance.

The Gorleston No. 1 Life-boat assisted to save the dandy Lord Nelson, of London, and 4; Gorleston No. 2 Life-boat assisted to save the steam ehifter Test, of Lowestoft, and 10; and the Ramsgate Life-boat assisted to save the S.S. Stainbwrn, of Workington, and 9.

Voted 435J. 15s. 3d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with the view of assisting per- I sons on vessels in distress :—Buckie, Cadgwith, j Caister Nos. 1 and 2, Claoton, Dunbar, Formby, Fraserburgh, Gorleston No. 1, Hayling Island, I Hilbre Island, Lizard, New Brighton (steam), ! Newhaven, Palling No. 2, Point of Ayr, Port-leven, Southend-on-Sea, Southsea and Yar- mouth.

Ordered a special letter of thanks to be sent ! to Mr. M'CoOKELD, and awarded 15s. to James Anderson, for their promptness in saving, at some risk to themselves, two of four persons whose boat was capsized in a sudden squall, in Strangford Lough, on 12th August.

Voted 30s. each to a sergeant and to three men of the Royal Irish Constabulary, also 11. each to three civilians for putting off in two canoes and, at great risk, saving one of 3 persons, whose canoe was capsized in the tide race near Bealadaugan Pier, Co. Galway, on 3rd September. The gallant conduct of the sergeant and constables was also brought to the favourable notice of the Inspector-General of the Royal Irish Constabulary.

Voted 15s. to two men for saving, at moderate risk to themselves, two persons whose boat was wrecked in Cardigan Bay, in a strong N.N.W. breeze and moderately rough sea, on the 23rd September.

THURSDAY, 10th November, 1910.

Colonel Sir FitzRoY CLAYTON, K.C.V.O.,V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the : previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, also those of the Special Sub-Committee appointed to consider details with regard to the winding up of the Life- boat Saturday Fund, and ordered their re- commendations to be carried into effect.

Read the report of the Deputy Chief In- spector of Life-boats on his recent visit to the Stromness and Stronsay Stations.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Stations:— Northern District. — Wick, Ackergill and Huna.

Eastern District.—Whitburn,Seaton Carew, Hartlepool (three boats), Sunderland (three boats), Southwold (two boats), Pakefield, Gorleston (two boats), Lowestoft (two boats), Kessingland (two boats), Wells, Blakeney, Brancaster and Hunstanton.

; Southern District.—Dover, Rye Harbour, Totland Bay, Atherfield, Brighstone Grange, ; Brooke, Ryde and Eastbourne (two boats).

Western District.—St. Ives, Appledore (two boats), Fishguard, Cemaes, Cemlyn, Bull Bay, Rhosneigir, Moelfre, Penmon, Rhoscolyn and | St. David's.Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting :— £ s. d.

Mrs. ELIZA. STREATFEILD, further towards the cost of a Life-boat to be named Hugh Taylor . . 500 - - Newcastle-upon-Tyne Co-operative Society, Ltd. (annual subscrip- tion) .' 25 - - H.M.S. Charybdis and Astrea, dona- tions from Ships' Companies (per Capt. E. C. Villiera, R.N.) . . 19 15 - Aldringham Church, collected at Harvest Thanksgiving Service (per the Rev. T. W. Sedgwick) . 4 19 6 S.S. Kenilworth, collected on board (perMr. R. S.-Dalgleish). . . 2 - -.

H.M. Transport Eewa (per Capt. i Kerr) 1 10 -  —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies The late Miss MARY STAUGHTON, I of Bedford 1,002 15 9 j The late Mrs. ELIZABETH COOPER, of Pevensey Bay (for the benefit of the Eastbourne Branch) . . 180 - - The late Mr. WILLIAM ALBERT MAUD, of Goleman Street, E.G. . 100 - - The late Mrs. MARY JANE LIGHTON, of Liverpool (balance) ... 2 - - Reported the transmission to her station of the Runswick new Life-boat.

Paid 4,8591. for sundry charges in connexion with various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 6131. 9s. 3d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Aldeburgh S.S. Hurricane, of Liver- No. 1 pool 8 Afterwards assisted to save vessel.

Cavster No. 1. Barque Ceres, of Kra-gero 10 ! Clovelly . . Ketch Little Jane, of I Plymouth .... 3 Donnanook . Steam Drifter _En feai«mr, of Hull 6 Eastbourne Fishing-boat Bonnie Kate, No. 2 of Eastbourne.' Stood by boat.

Filey . . . Fishing cobles of Piley.

Stood by cobles.

Fishguard . A shore boat of St.

David's. Saved boat and 10 Gorleston Steam drifter Orcadia, of No. 1 Aberdeen. Assisted to save vessel and ... 10 Gorleston Coal hulk, Era, of Yar- No. 2 mouth G Harwich S.S. Hurricane, of Liver- (Steam) pool. Stood by vessel.

Holyhead Schooner Elizabeth (Steam) Hyam, oi Chester . . 3 Holyhead Schooner ftockingham, of (Steam) Dublin 3 Hythe. . . Fishing-boat Providence, of Folkestone ... 3 Lives saved.


Margate No. 2 Vessel.

Newbiggin Newlyn Peamon .

Barge Pride of the Colne, of Colchester. Stood by vessel.

Fishing cobles of New- biggin. Stood by cobles.

Schooner Lizzie, of Wey- mouth. Stood by vessel.

Point of Ayr Pwllheli .

Pwllheli .

Ketch James, of Car- narvon. Stood by vessel.

Tug Manuense. Saved vessel and .... 5 Smack Helena, of Port- madoc 2 Smack Venus, of Port- madoc. Saved vessel and 2 Ketch Democrat, of Barn- staple 3 Selsey .

Wexford .

Whitby No. 2 Fishing cobles of Scar- borough. Stood by cobles.

Barque I,ydgate,ai Liver- pool. Stood by vessel.

Fishing - boat Vivid, of Wexford .... 4 Coble Rose of Sharon, of Whitby. Stood by coble.

The Caister No. 1 Life-boat assisted to save the S.S. Claudia, of Stockton, and 30; Clacton- on-Sea Life-boat saved the lugger Prince de Joinville, of Boulogne, and 21; Gorleston No. 1 Life-boat assisted to save the steam drifter Violet May, of Yarmouth, and 10; Harwich (Steam) Life-boat rendered assistance to the S.S. Baltzar von Platen, of Helsingborg; Ramsgate Life-boat assisted to save the fishing- boat Oceana, of Ramsgate, and 2 ; and stood by the barge Pride of the Colne, of Colchester.

Also voted 912Z. 16s. 9d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Barry Dock, Bembridge, Blakeney, Carrickfergus, Criccieth, Folkestone, Formby, Gorleston No. 1, Harwich (steam), Hayling Island, Holyhead (steam), Hornsea, Littlehampton, Looe, New Brighton (steam), North Deal, Palling No. 2, Penzance, Peterhead, Plymouth, Port St. Mary, Rhos- colyn, Robin Hood's Bay Scarborough, Selsey, Sennen Cove, Sheringham, Southsea, Wicklow, Worthing and Yarmouth.

The Committee passed a vote of deep sympathy with the two widows and the one dependent relative of the Life-boatmen who unfortunately perished in the accident to the St. David's Life-boat on 13th October, and voted them the sum of 225Z. as a contribution to the fund raised locally.

Awarded the thanks of the Institution, inscribed on vellum, and the silver medal, together with a reward of 51., to SYDNEY MORTIMER, as well as votes of thanks and 51. each to SAMUEL HUSK and SAMUEL GUPPY for very gallantly putting off in a boat and rescuing the survivors from the wreck.

Also awarded the silver medal and 51. to JAMES COWIE for plunging into the sea at Gorleston, and at great risk rescuing one of the crew of the steam drifter Mistletoe, of Banff, on the 15th October.

Voted additional monetary rewards to the j crews of the Fishguard and Criccieth Life-boats i for very arduous services in severe weather on the 13th and 14th October.

I Voted II. to a man injured in the Life-boat ! service at Barry Dock.

I Voted SI. 15s. to five men for saving, at moderate personal risk, two persons from a ! small boat, which became unmanageable, and ! was being blown out to sea off Ramsgate, j during a strong E.N.E. gale and very heavy ] sea, on the 13th October.

Also 31. to four men for putting off in a boat, in a N.E. gale and very heavy choppy sea, for the purpose of saving a man whose boat had capsized off Shoreham, on 13th October. The man who was in danger suc- ceeded in getting ashore before the four men reached him.

Awarded the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum, and 30s., to JOSEPH SEARLE, and 4Z. 10s. to three other men for saving three of five men, whose boat was capsized in a heavy sea off Penzance Harbour on 15th October.

The five men put off from the S.S. Jarnac to come ashore when their boat capsized, throwing them into the water, and before the salvors could reach them, two of them had disappeared.

In the heavy surf the salvors incurred great risk, and it was owing to the skill and ability of Searle that the service was successful.

Voted 3Z. 10s. to seven men for putting off in a boat, and at considerable risk, saving the coble Annie and her crew of two hands, in a strong gale and heavy sea, off Scarborough, on the 31st October, THURSDAY, 8th December, 1910.

Colonel Sir FiTzRoY CLAYTON, K.C.V.O., V.P., in the Chair.

Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.

Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees ; also those of the Special Sub-Committees appointed to consider details with regard to the winding up of the Life- boat Saturday Fund, Organisation and Ad- vertisement, and ordered their recommenda- tions to be carried into effect.

Read a letter from Sir Arthur Biggs convey- ing the King's thanks to Life-boat Saturday Workers, and decided that the Central Com- mittee of the Life-boat Saturday Fund and the Press should be informed accordingly, Reported that the DUKE OF NORTHUMBER- LAND had consented to allow himself to be nominated President of the Institution, and, if elected, to act until the PRINCE OF WALES should be able to accept the post.

Read the report of the Deputy Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his recent visit to Formby.

Also the reports of the District Inspectors on their visits to the following Stations:— Northern District.—Broughty Ferry, Ar- broath, Holy Island (two boats), Eyemouth, Cresswell, North Sunderland, Hauxley, Stronsay, St. Andrews, and Newbiggin.

Eastern District.—Runswick.

Southern District.—Hastings, Littlehamp- ton, Southend-on-Sea, Brighton, Clacton-on- Sea, Harwich (two boats), Worthing, Shore- ham and Southsea.

Western District. — Criccieth, Abersoch, Porthdinllaen, Pwllheli, Angle, Burnham, Weston - super - Mare, Watchet, Minehead, Cardigan, New Quay (Cardigan) and Aberyst- with.

Irish District. — Howth, Clogher Head, Portrush, Aranmore, Groomsport and Dona- ghadee.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting :— £ s. d.

Mr. J. C. ECKERSLEY, to be in- vested and the interest devoted to the purposes of the Institution 200 - - Miss ANN MOLELLAN and Mrs. HELEN IMRIE, in memory of their deceased sister (additional) . . 100 - - Independent Order of Odd Fellows (Manchester Unity), annual sub- scription, 501.; donations from Branches 3Z. Is 53 1 - Hadnall Church Collection (per the B. G. Mortimer) 7 1C 9 Proceeds of Concert at Gosfield, Halstead (per Mrs. Lowe) . . 3 15 - St. George's Chapel, Royal Naval Barracks, Chatham, Offertory (per the Rev. Wm. Tod, R.N.) .215 —To be severally thanked.

Also the receipt of the following legacies:— The late Mr. G. P. Shepherd, of Keymer, 109 101. Four Per Cent.

Preference Shares, Maidstone Waterworks Company, valued at 9S1Z.; proportion of dividend on shares, 8Z. Is. 5d 989 1 5 The late Miss MARGARET BARR, of Heleuslea, Lanark (per Glasgow Branch) G53 4 3 The late Miss E. -A. BROWN, of Bexhill-on-Sea, for the Endow- ment Fund 250 - - The late Major JOHN CHARLES HARRIS, of Gloucester Road, Regent's Park, N.W 100 - - The late Mrs. HARRIET O. CARNLEY, of Kingston-upon-Hull . . . 66 13 4 Great regret was expressed at the death of Mr. Frederick R. G. Wright, R.N., who had been Honorary Secretary of the Aberdovey Branch for upwards of seven years; also at the death of Mr. Robert Gumming, who had been Honorary Secretary of the Aberdeen Branch for 15 years, and it was decided to send a letter of condolence to his family.

The Committee expressed their deep sympathy with the French Life-boat Society and with the families of the victims in the disaster to the .Boulogne .Life- boat.

Paid 4,0712. for sundry charges in connexion with various Life-boat establishments.

Voted 54W. 11s. id. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services : — Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Aberystwith . . Two small fishingboats, of Aberystwith 2 Aranmore . . A fishing - boat, of Innisfree . . . 3 Aldeburgh No. 1 S.S. Fulgent, of Sunderland.

Stood by vessel.

Aldeburgh No. 2 S.S. Skakkeborg, of Copenhagen. Stood Brixham . . . Schooner Margaret, of Paimpol. Stood by vessel.

Buckhaven . . Schooner Stay, of Vordingborg. Stood by vessel.

Clacton-on-Sea . Schooner Pearl, of Dundee . . . . 5 Clovelly . . . Ketch Julia, of Bideford.

Landed 3.

Dover . . . . 5 - m a s t e d ship Preussen, of Hamburg.

Stood by vessel Filey . . . . Twenty-four cobles, of Piley. Stood by cobles.

Holyhead Schooner Jane and (Steam) Ann, of Carnarvon.

Landed 3.

Lyme Regis . . Barque Furst Bismarck, of Brake.

Stood by vessel.

Newbiggin . . Six cobles, of Newbiggin.

Stood by cobles.

Newbiggin . . S.S. Eleanor, of.South Shields. Stood by vessel.

Newhaven . . 'BiigantmoMwyJohn, of Powey. Rendered assistance.

Peterhead . . Steam trawler Devanta, of Aberdeen.

Stood by vessel.

Robin Hood's Coble Robert and Bay Mary, of Whitby.

Rendered assistance.

Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.

Thurso . . . Schooner Barbara, of Wick 4 Wexford . . . Motor lugger Agnes Gre&n of V exford.

Landed 2.

The Gaister No. 1 Life-boat rendered assistance to the S.S. Edie, of Goole ; Flamborough No. 2 Life-boat saved the fishing-boat Diligence, of Fraserburgh, and 7; Newhaven Life-boat rendered assistance to the Dredger No. 2, of Zeebrugge ; and Ramsgate Life-boat saved 4 lives from the ketch Maria Cheeseman, of Montrose, stood by the fishing vessel Don, of Ramsgate, assisted to save the~schooner Circe, of Antwerp, and 7, and assisted to save the barque Thoralf, of Arendal ; and Winterton No. 1 Life-boat assisted to save the barque Vidette, of Hamburg.

Also voted 8351. 8s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches etc., with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress: — Aldeburgh No. 1, Berwick -on- Tweed, Bridlington Quay, Brooke, Caister No. 1, Cresswell, Cromer, Dunbar, Flamborough No. 1, Fleetwood, Folkestone, Gorleston Nos. 1 and 2, Huna, Llandudno, New Brighton (steam), North Deal, Palling Nos. 1 and 2, Rye Harbour, Sennen Cove, Sheringham, Skerries, Southend - on - Sea, Southwold No. 1, Walmer, Weymouth, Winterton Nos. 1 and 2 and Yarmouth.

Voted 101. 10s. to men injured in the Life-boat service at Aldeburgh, Barry Dock and Harwich.

Awarded an additional monetary grant to the crew of the Newlyn Life-boat for an arduous service, in very severe weather, on the 7th November.

Voted 31. to six men for putting off in a boat and, at moderate risk, saving two men off Ballycotton, who had got into difficulties through their sail being blown away and an oar breaking, on 31st October.

Voted 2?I to the crew and helpers of the private Life-boat at Sheringham, for putting off to the assistance of twenty local fishingboats, which were caught in a sudden N.W.

gale, and in grave danger, on the 23th November.

THURSDAY, 15th December, 1910.


Colonel Sir FITZROY CLAYTON, K.C.V.O., V.P., in the Chair.

Considered and approved the rules for the formation and control of Branches other than Station Branches and the Instructions for the Honorary Secretaries of such Branches, which had been drawn up by the Special Sub-Committee appointed to consider Organisation, &c.