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At 11.30 A.M.

on the 28th August a barge was observed riding at anchor about a quarter of a mile from the shore between. Orfordness and Aldeburgh. She was labouring heavily, with the sea washing over her.

A signal of distress was made a"nd the No. 2 Life-boat Edward Z. Dresden was immediately launched. The Life-boat- men found the barge was the Resurga, of London, bound from the Humber to London with coal. The captain reported that his anchor was dragging and that he wanted help to recover it, as he feared his vessel would ground. The crew of three hands were all ready to leave her. The Coxswain considering it would be possible to save the vessel, put five men on board, the anchor and cable were slipped, and the barge got under way. Accompanied by the Life-boat, they took her to Southwold Harbour, arriving at 5 P.M..