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Yacht Sea Belle

At 5.50 A.M., on the 12th April, a schooner -was seen through the haze stranded on the Gunfleefc Sands, and almost at the same time the Coastguard received a telephone message from the Light-house reporting a vessel ashore. The Life-boat James Stevens No. 14 without delay proceeded under sail and motor power to the vessel, which proved to be the steam yacht Sea Belle, Royal Thames Yacht Club.

The services of the Life-boat were offered, but the captain whilst declining active assistance asked the Coxswain to stand by for a time, to see if the vessel would get off on the flowing tide. At 9.40 A.M., the yacht floated and under her own steam proceeded to Brightling- sea, the Life-boat returning to her station where she arrived at 10.13 A.M..