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The Sailing Trawler Radience

At 7 P.M. on the 19th February information was received at Newlyn that a vessel was ashore at Penberth about seven miles to the westward, and that the life-saving apparatus had been called out to her assistance. The wind, which was W.

by S., had been blowing a gale all day and the sea was very heavy, the Life- boat Elizabeth and Blanche, was there- for despatched to the assistance of the craft. The Coxswain having searched the shore east and west of Penberth and found nothing, stood out about three quarters of a mile when he fell in with the sailing trawler Radience, of Brixham, running before the gale into Mounts Bay. As the Badience had had a bad hammering and her decks were being well washed, the Cox- swain deemed it advisable to stand by until she was in a safe anchorage.

During this service the crew had a wet and trying time, not regaining their station until nearly midnight, and the Committee of Management granted them an additional reward..