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At 7.30A.M.

on the 6th February, during thick weather, with a strong W. breeze blow- ing and a moderate sea, a message was received by telephone stating that a vessel was ashore between Prawle Point and Start Point. The crew of the Life-boat William and Emma were assembled and the Life-boat proceeded to the scene of the wreck. On arrival at Woodcombe Point they found the ketch Sunflower, of Lowestoft, on the rooks. The Lie-boat went alongside and inquired if assistance was required.

The master of the vessel, in reply, asked the boat to stand by until he knew if | tugs would be able to tow the vessel off.

I The Life-boat stood by the vessel for I about three hours, when three tugs j arrived, and two of them succeeded in j getting the vessel off. The boat then returned to her station, arriving at 1.15 P.M..