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— Six men, -whilst working on the Pit Heap, Newburgh Colliery, saw the coble Sun- beam, of Newbiggin, capsize in Druridge Bay. A messenger was sent for the Life-boat, and the remaining five, knowing that there was a small boat lying on the beach about one and a half miles to the south of them, which would give them a favourable wind, ran and launched it.

Only one had any knowledge of boat- management. Fortunately they counted on the help of the Life-boat to get back, or they could not have gone. They successfully picked up the three men clinging to the boat, almost drowned, two being very exhausted. With great risk to their own lives they got them into their boat, which was scarcely capable of carrying eight people.

In the meanwhile the news of the disaster reached Hauxley. Most of the crew of the Mary Andrew were in. bed after a rough day's work from early morning. Word of " urgency" was passed round, and several coming partly clothed, the Life-boat was launched in ten or twelve minutes, proceeded to the wreck in face of a strong head wind, and passing part of the wreckage, fell in with the overladen boat. The eight men were taken aboard and two Life- boatmen were put in the small boat and taken in tow. After a few minutes' towing it was seen that the rescued men were so exhausted that any delay was dangerous, the boat was therefore cast adrift and brought in by the two Life- boatmen. Whilst the Life-boat was returning she signalled for medical assistance and a doctor and nurse were in attendance shortly after landing. All three were bad cases, one man recovered quickly, but the other two were with great difficulty brought round..