Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management
THURSDAY, 9th June, 1910.
Colonel Sir Fitzroy CLAYTON, K.C.V.O..V.P., in the Chair.
Read a letter from His Majesty's Principal Secretary oi State for Home Affairs conveying His Majesty's thanks for the loyal and dutiful resolution of the Committee of Management on the occasion of the lamented death of His late Majesty King Edward VII. Also the thanks of Her Majesty Queen Alexandra for the Committee's expression of sympathy.
Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.
The Committee expressed their heartfelt sorrow at the death of their highly-esteemed and much beloved Secretary, Mr. Charles Dibdin, who had held his important office to the great advantage of the Institution for the long period of 27 years during which he had given himself with unstinted devotion and the utmost loyalty to the interests of the Life- boat Service which he loved so well.
Read the minutes of the Building, Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered that their re- commendations be carried into effect.
Also read the minutes of the last meeting of the Central Committee of the Life-boat Saturday and having made some modifications, approved same.
Read the reports of the District Inspectors on their visits to the following Life-boat Stations:— Northern District.—Eyemouth, Berwick- on-Tweed, Holy Island (two boats), Dunbar, Skateraw, Montrose (two boats), Gourdon, Johnshaven, Newburgh, Port Erroll, Fraser- burgh, and Stonehaven.
Eastern District.—Sunderland (three boats), Gambols, Blyth, Gorleston (two boats), South- wold (two boats), Aldeburgh (twoboats), Filey, Redcar, Saltburn, Flamborough (two boats), and Bridlington Quay.
Southern District. — Dover, Newhaven, Littlehampton, Worthing, Hastings, East- bourne (two boats), New Romney and Bye Harbour.
Western District.—Port Eynon, Ferryside, The Mumbles, Clovelly and Appledore.
Irish District.—Groomsport and Carrick- fergus.
Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £ s. d.
Mr. WILLIAM TAYLOR, J.P., dona- tion to the Endowment Fund, in celebration of his Golden Wedding 500 - - Mr. and Mrs. JAMES HUTCHINSON 25 - - " Conscience Money " (per the Rev. H. S. NICHOLSON) 9 17 - H.M.S. Vanguard, OSertory on board (per the Rev. GUY A. BROWNING, B.N.) 25- Hamilton Memorial Bible Class, Birkenhead - 10 - —To be severally thanked.
Also the receipt of the following legacies :— The late Mrs. J. A. HOGAN, of £ s. d.
Epsom ........ 1,000 - - The late Mr. ALEXANDER ROBERT- sou, of Gorstorphine .... 100 17 9 The late Miss ADELA F. BARLOW, of Dover (per Dover Branch) . 90 - - The late Mr. EDWY CROOKE, of Guildford (additional) . . 72 12 7 The late Mr. W. H. DEAN, of Stratford, E. (additional) . . 68 12 4 Paid 4,0622. for sundry charges in connexion with various Life-boat establishments.
Voted 1371. Is. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services:— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.
Arbroath . . Fishing-boat Catherine, of Arbroath. Stood by vessel.
Berwick-on- Three cobles of Spittal.
Tweed Stood by cobles.
Helvick Head Yawl St. Bridget, of Bal- linagoul. Saved boat and 4 Huna . . . Fishing-boat Strathyre, of Findochty. Landed 7 Ilfracombe . Ketch Honour, of Jersey.
Stood by vessel.
North Coble Jane Douglas, of Sunderland Beadnell. Stood by vessel.
Robin Hood's S.S. Hermiston, of Glas- Bay gow. Landed 2.
St. Ives . . Lugger Jonadab, of St.
Ives 6 Walton-on- Yacht GwenytTi. Stood Naze by yacht.
The Ramsgate Life-boat assisted to save the fishing vessel Harry Martin, of Ramsgate, and 3 lives ; and the Robin Hood's Bay Life-boat rendered assistance to the s.s. Hermiston, of Glasgow.
Voted 226Z. 4s. 6 Z. to pay the expenses of assemblies of crews or launching the following Life-boats, etc., with the view of Tendering assistance to persons on vessels in distress:— Anstruther, Caister No. 1, Dunbar, Flam- borough No. 2, Gorleston No. 1, Helvick Head, Kessingland No. 1, Newhaven (motor), Port Erroll, Sutton, Walton-on-Naze (motor), Wexford, and Winterton No. 1.
Voted 51. to ten men for their promptness in carting a punt one and a half miles and putting off and saving three persons from the yacht Gannett which struck on the edge of the Bock Channel near Hoylake and sank in fine weather on the 29th May. The men when rescued were in an exhausted condition.
Also sent a letter of thanks to Mr. P. B. Griffin, who swam from the yacht a consider- able distance to the shore, for the purpose of obtaining help.
Voted 10s. to two men for their promptness in saving three persons from a boat, which was drifting out to sea, on 4th May, off Bally- cotton, owing to her mast having carried away and no anchor being on board.
Also 51. 5s. to twenty-one men for rescuing at moderate risk five persons from the fishing- boat Confidence, which was thrown on to the North Extension Pier when proceeding out of Lowestoft Harbour in a light E.S.E. breeze and heavy sea on the 13th May.
Voted 11. 2s. 6d to three men for promptly putting off in a small motor boat and saving two men from an open boat which was in difficulties in a moderate off-shore gale and heavy sea, and was in danger of being swamped off Workington on the 13th May.
THURSDAY, 14th July, 1910.
Colonel Sir Fitzroy Clayton,K.C.V.O.,V.P., in the Chair.
The meeting learned with great satisfaction that His Most Gracious Majesty King George V. had consented to be the Patron of the Insti- tution in succession to His late Majesty King Edward VII.
Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.
Read minutes of the Building, Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered that their re- commendations be carried into effect.
Read the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Life-boat Stations :— Northern District. — Nairn, Lossiemouth, Ayr, Ballantrae and Girvan.
Southern District. — Southend - on - Sea, North Deal, Walmer, Kingsdowne, Dover, Atherfield, Brooke, Brighstone Grange, Tot- land Bay, Ryde, Worthing, Brighton, Looe, Plymouth, Yealm River, Teignmouth, Shore- ham and Littlehampton.
Western District. — Cemaes, Bull Bay, Cemlyn, Pemnon, Moelfre, Rhosoolyn, Rhos- neigir, Bude, Port Isaac, Padstow (Life-boat and steam tug), Barmouth, Llandudno, Lland- dulas, Rhyl and Point of Ayr.
Irish District.—Dunmore East, Aranmore, Culdaff, Greencastle, Portrush and Cloughey.
Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting :— £ s. d.
Mrs. ELIZA STREATFEILD, towards the cost of a Life-boat to be named Hugh Taylor .... 500 - - The Thorngate Trustees (annual subscription) 80 - - The late Mr. JAMES SMITH (per Liverpool Branch) . . . . 50 - - The Co-operative Wholesale Society (annual subscription) . . . . . 21 - - Highfield School, Hendon, Offertory in Chapel (per the Church- wardens) 13_ —To be severally thanked.
Also the receipt of the following legacies :— £ s. d.
The late Mr. EDWIN J. A. AYLIFFE, of Paris 1,812 9 - The late Miss SELINA CRESSEY, of York 300 - - The late Miss EMMA BRANDRETH, of Wimbledon Park . . . . 250 - - The late Mr. THOMAS SKIDMORE, of Wolverhampton 100 - - The late Miss SOPHY LE FEUVRE, [ of Guernsey 76 10 10 [ The late Mr. ALBERT THOMPSON, j of Poplar 10 - - Reported the transmission to their stations of the Donaghadee and Moelfre new Life-boats.
Voted the best thanks of the Committee to Mr. W. J. D. Whitaker, Mr. Robert Loch- head, Mr. W. L. Corlett and Mr. George Scarborough, in acknowledgment of their valuable services as Honorary Secretaries of the Sidmouth, Falkirk, Ramsey and Halifax Branches of the Institution, which offices they had just resigned.
Paid 7.823Z. for sundry charges in connexion with various Life-boat establishments.
Voted 771.13s. 6d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.
Holy Island Yachts Cruiser and No. 1 Raven. Stood by yachts.
Llandudno . Smack Hero, of Rhyl . 2 i Moelfre . . Yacht Drake, of New Brighton. Saved yacht and 2 Palling No. 1 Smack Sophia Rebecca, of Lowestoft ... 4 Also voted 2512. 2s. 8d. to pay the expenses of assemblies of the crews or launches of the following Life-boats, with the view of assisting ! persons on vessels in distress:—Berwick-on- Tweed, Blakeney, Claeton-on-Sea, Fleetwood, Gorleston No. 1, Harwich Nos. 1 and, 2 (steam), Hasborough, Hilbre Island, Kings- town No. 1, Plymouth, Point of Ayr, Poolbeg, Sennen Cove, Sheringham, Walton-on-Naze i and Yarmouth.
Voted a pair of binoculars suitably inscribed to Mr. JOHN B. LAWRENCE, Principal Light- keeper at Pentland Skerries Light-house, and SI. to three other men for their meritorious conduct in saving the crew of seven hands of the fishing vessel Strathyre, of Findochty, wrecked at Pentland Skerries, in a heavy tide race, in moderate weather, on the 25th May.
The vessel sank immediately after the men had left her.
Voted an aneroid binocular bearing a suit- able inscription to Mr. LEWIS JONES, for saving a young man whose boat was swamped through trying to anchor in the tide race near Hilbre Island, on the 25th June. The salvor heard cries for help, and promptly launching a punt, succeeded after considerable trouble in saving the man in a very exhausted condition.
Voted 15s. to two men for promptly putting off in a boat to the assistance of a lad, who was adrift in a smack's boat with only one oar, in Lowestoft Roads, on the 13th June.
There was some sea on the banks, and the two men incurred slight risk.
Also 7s. Gd. to a man for saving at moderate risk four persons, unused to the management of a boat, who were being blown out to sea off Penzance, in a moderate N.W. gale and rough sea, on the 2nd July.
Voted 11. 10s. to three men for their promptness in saving two persons from the sailing boat Viking, which capsized in moderate gusty weather and smooth sea, in Mumbles Bay, on the 29th May. A third man who was in the boat was unfortunately drowned.
Voted 31. to three Scarborough men for saving a man from a small coble which capsized off Filey Brigg on the 12th April.
The salvors observed the accident and rescued the man in a very exhausted condition. There was a moderate S.S.W. wind blowing, and the salvors incurred great risk owing to the broken water.
Also 11. 15s. to seven men for promptly putting off in a boat and saving four persons from a small boat which was being blown out to sea off Deal, in a moderate westerly gale and very choppy sea on the 29th June.
Also 11. Is. to seven men for their prompt- ness in putting off in three boats and rescuing three men, whose boat capsized off Courtmac- sherry in fine weather on the 24th June.
THURSDAY, 11th August, 1910.
Colonel Sir Fitzroy CLAYTON, K.C.V.O., V.P., in the Chair.
Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.
Reported that the design for the badge of the Institution had been submitted to His Majesty the King and met with approval.
Elected Mr. GEORGE F. SHEE, M.A., Secretary of the Institution, in the place of the late Mr. Charles Dibdin.
Read the minutes of the Building, Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub - Committees, and ordered that their recommendations be carried into effect.
Read the report of the Deputy Chief Inspector of Life-boats on his visit to Nairn.
Also the reports of the District Inspectors of Life-boats on their visits to the following Life-boat Stations:— Northern District. — Ackergill, Wick, St.
Andrews, Grail, Austruther, Kirkcudbright and Balcary.
Eastern District.—Donna Nook, Skegness, Mablethorpe, Sutton, Hunstanton, Brancaster, Wells and Blakeney.
Southern District.—Margate (two boats), North Deal, Walmer, Kingsdowne, Exmouth, Brixham, Torquay, Plymouth, Yealm River, Teigumouth,. Hope Cove, Salcombe, Lyme Regis and Sidmouth.
Western District.—Llanddulas, Holyhead (two boats), St. Mary's, St. Agnes and Newlyn.
Irish District.—Donaghadee.
Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting :— & s. d.
Miss MARY SARAH HALL . . . 100 - - Mr. E. F. WHITE (annual sub- scription) 50 - - In memory of the late Miss S. E.
WHITE 25 - - Court Fountain of Friendship, No. 2634, A.O.F., collected at Church Parade (per Mr. H. T. BEADLE, Snodland, Kent) . . 4 17 - H.M.S. Gibraltar, donation from Canteen Fund (per Staff-Pay- master J. S. PLACE, B.N.) . . 1 5 - —To be severally thanked.
Also the receipt of the following legacies :— The late Miss ELIZABETH L. IRVING, of Reddish, near Manchester (additional) 645-4 The late Miss MARY HEZMALHALCH, of York 450 - - The late Mr. CHARLES SMITH, of St. John's Wood 450 - - The late Mrs. ELEANOR MILLS, of West Kirby 259 8 4 The late Mr. RICHARD A. A. JONES, of Guildford 100 The late Mr. JACOB NATHAN, of Plymouth, 511. 15s. 4d. Consols, value 42 14 3 (Interest to be applied for the benefit of the Plymouth Branch.) The late Mr. F. W. N. LLOYD, of Bromley (interest) 15 1 4 The late Capt. JOSEPH BOOTH GORDON, of Liverpool (per Liver- pool Branch) 9 - - The Committee expressed much regret at the deaths of Mr. C. N. Bevan, who had been joint Honorary Secretary of the Lynmouth Branch for some years; Mr. John Burnard, Honorary Secretary of the Clovelly Branch; and Mr. George Humphrys, Secretary of the City of London Branch.
It was decided to send letters of condolence to the bereaved families.
Decided to close the Nairn Station, and to form new stations at Cromarty and Penlee (Penzance).
Paid 4,472Z. for sundry charges in con- nexion with various Life-boat establish- ments.
Voted 201. 6s. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat services :— Lives Life-boat. Vessel. saved.
Donaghadee . . S.S. Agamemnon, of (Motor) Liverpool. Stood by vessel.
Padstow No. 1 . Schooner Belle of the Plym,oi Plymouth.
Stood by vessel.
Also voted 251Z. -s. 8d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches or assemblies of crews, etc., with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Clacton-on- Sea, Cloughey, Donaghadee (motor), Gorleston No. 1, Harwich (steam), Hilbre Island, Hoylake, Little Haven, New Brighton (steam), North Deal, Pakefield, Port Erroll, Pwllheli, Tenby, Wicklow, and Yarmouth.
Granted 12s. 6d. to a man for injury on Life-boat service at Llaududno.
Voted 21. 5s. to three men of the lugger Gipsy King for saving, at moderate risk, two persons from the sailing punt Curlew, which was being blown out to sea off the North Foreland in a strong N.W. breeze and rough sea, on the 24th July.
Also II. to two men for promptly putting off in a boat and, at slight risk, saving a man who was being driven out to sea about two miles to the east of Alnmouth, in squally weather, on the 23rd July.
Voted 11. 10s. to six men for their promptness in saving a man whose boat was being driven out to sea off Killough, in a strong N.W. wind and rough sea, on 7th July.
Also 1Z. 5s. to five men for promptly putting off in a boat and, at moderate risk, saving two visitors and a boatman, whose boat was caught in a severe squall and was in danger of foundering in Llandudno Bay, on the 21st July.
THURSDAY, 8th September, 1910.
Sir JOHN CAMERON LAMB, C.B., C.M.G., V.P., in the Chair.
Read and confirmed the minutes of the previous meeting.
Also read those of the Building, Finance and Correspondence and Wreck and Reward Sub-Committees, and ordered that their recommendations he carried into effect.
Read the reports of the District Inspectors on their visits to the following Life-boat Stations:— Eastern District.—Winterton (two boats), Palling (two boats), Sheringham, Hasborough, Caister (two boats), Yarmouth and Aldeburgh (two boats).
Southern District.—New Romney, Dungeness (two boats), Folkestone, Swanage, Poole, Hayling Island, Bembridge, Totland Bay, Selsey, Southsea, Shoreham, St. Peter Port, St. Helier and Weymouth.
Western District.—St. Ives, Ilfracombe, Lynmouth, Minehaven, Little Haven, Fishguard, The Mumbles, Glovelly, Port Isaac, Barry Dock, Newquay (Cornwall) and Bude.
Irish District.—Blackrock, Hilbre Island, Hoylake, New Brighton (two boats), Formby, Peel, Castletown, Port Erin, Port St. Mary, Douglas and Ramsey.
Reported the receipt of the following special contributions since the last meeting:— £ s. d.
" S. W. A." (annual subscription) . 25 - - P.S. Shamrock, collected on board (per Captain READ) . . . . 3 - - H.M.S. Andromeda, surplus canteen £ s. d.
money (per Fleet-Paymaster J.
COOPER, R.N.) 2 4 11 Harby Church Collection (per Mr. J. STOKES, Churchwarden) . . - 14 - —To be severally thanked.
Also the receipt of the following legacies :— The late Mrs. SARAH ELIZABETH BENNETT, of Albrighton . . . 200 - - The late Mr. EDMUND LYTHGOE, of Melbourne (further on account) 100 - 9 The late Mr. WILLIAM McCuNN, of Largs, for the maintenance fund of the John Ryburn Life-boat at Stronsay 100 - - The late Miss MARTHA H. POWELL, of Wolverhampton (on account) 50 - - The late Mrs. MARY JANE LIGHTON, of Liverpool (to the Liverpool Branch) 18 - ' - The late Mr. EDWIN J. AYLIFFE, of Paris (additional) - 5 6 Reported the decease of Captain John Smith, who had been honorary secretary of the Seaham Branch for 9 years, and decided to send a letter of condolence to the bereaved family.
Reported the transmission to her Station of the Pakefield new Life-boat.
Paid 3,9852. for sundry charges in connexion with various Life-boat establishments.
Voted 2621. 19s.
the following Life- Life-boat.
Caister No. '2 Criecieth .
Dunbar .
Fraserburgh .
Gorleston No. 1 .
Harwich .
(Steam) Hastings .
Margate No. 2 New Brighton (Steam) Newhaven Peel Id. to pay the expenses of boat services:— Lives Vessel. saved.
Schooner William and Alice, of Hull.
Stood by vessel.
Ketch Jane, of Cardigan . . . . 2 Yacht Iris, of Chester 3 S.S. Inchcolm, of Leith. Stood by vessel.
Fishing fleet of Fraserburgh.
Stood by boats.
Rowing boat Girl Lily, of Gorleston 1 Smack Young Harry, of Lowestoft. Stood by vessel.
Barque Fox, of Arendal.
Stood by vessel.
Yacht We're Here, of Burnham-on-Crouch 3 Barque Fox, of Arendal.
Stood by vessel.
Dredger Walter Olynn, of Liverpool . . 5 S.S. Brittany, of Newhaven.
Stood by vessel.
Open boat Shamrock, of Peel . . . .Life-boat.
Port Erin Lives Vessel. saved.
Fishing-boat Expert, of Castletown . . G Fishing - boat Milky Way, of Port St.
Mary 7 Yacht Sea Bird, of Carnarvon ... 3 Ramsey .
The Aldeburgh No. 2 Life-boat assisted to save the barge Besurga, of London and 3; Huna Life-boat assisted to save s.s. Indian, of Liverpool; North Deal Life-boat assisted to save the barque Henrich, of Larvik, and 10; and the Ramsgate Life-boat stood by the same vessel.
Voted 17(M. 14s. 3d. to pay the expenses of the following Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., with the view of assisting persons on vessels in distress:—Aldeburgh No. 2, Appledore No. 1, Castletown, Clacton- on-Sea, Douglas, Eastbourne No. 2, Fishguard, Fleetwood, Ilfracombe, Lowestoft No. 1, New- haven, Port Logan, and Totland Bay.
Awarded the thanks of the Institution inscribed on vellum to WILLIAM CROSS, Cox- swain-superintendent of the New Brighton steam Life-boat, together with an additional monetary grant to him and each of the crew, for a good service resulting in five men being saved from the dredger Walter Glynn, of Liverpool, on the 27th August.
Also awarded the thanks of the Institution on vellum to CHARLES CAIN, Coxswain- superintendent of the Peel Life-boat, to- gether with an additional reward to him and to each of the crew for their excellent services in rescuing three men from the pleasure boat Shamrock, of Peel, in a strong S.W. gale and heavy sea,, on 26th August.
Also sent letters of thanks to the Honorary Secretary Lieut. A. Newnham, R.N., and Mr. C. F. Eguer, owner of the steam drifter Manx Bride, for going out in the drifter and towing the Life-boat back to her station.
Voted additional monetary rewards to the crews of the Hastings, Dunbar, and Port Erin Life-boats, for good services in very bad weather on the 19th, 21st, and 26th August respectively.
Voted 11. to two men for promptly putting off and saving two fishermen, whose boat was capsized on the bar at Bathfran, Co. Mayo, in a strong S.W. breeze and heavy sea, on the 3rd June. Also 4s. to a man who assisted to launch the boat, and allowed 6s. for an oar which was broken in performing the rescue.
Also 15s. to three men for their promptness in rescuing three persons from the boat of a pleasure trawler, which capsized off Court- macsherry at 10.30 P.M. on the 4th August.
Also sent a letter of thanks to Mr. Sheehy, a visitor, who assisted at the rescue.
Voted 21. 5s. to nine men for putting off in two boats and searching for a visitor, who had gone out in a pleasure boat from Port Erin, and was missing at 11 P.M. The man was found on Calf Island, and was landed by one of the boats. Also granted 10s. to four Life-boatmen who remained on duty in readi- ness from 11 P.M. until 4 A.M., in case the Life-boat should be required, and allowed 3s. 6d. for an oar which was lost.
Voted 11. to four men for promptly saving two persons from a small rowing boat, which was unmanageable and in danger of being swamped off Moelfre Island, in a strong S.W. breeze and moderate sea, on the 16th August.
Voted 11. 10s. to three men for rescuing two persons from an open sailing boat, which got into difficulties off Cemaes, in a fresh S.W. breeze and choppy sea on the 23rd August. The salvors, who were fishing, seeing signals for help, proceeded to the boat and at slight risk rescued the occupants, towing the boat into Cemaes Harbour.
Voted 21. to four men for promptly putting off in a boat and at slight risk rescuing three persons from a boat of the S.S. Empress of India, which capsized in Poole Harbour, on the 27th August. Two other men were un- fortunately drowned before help could reach them.
Voted 21. to eight men for landing eleven of the crew of the French fishing vessel Le Due d'Aumale, of Fecamp, which stranded on the Harbour bar at Whit by on the 23rd July.
The next number of the LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL will be published on the 1st February, 1911.