Advanced search

Sophia and Rebecca

At about 2 A.M.

on the 7th June, in a moderate E.N.E.

breeze, but very heavy ground swell, the Coxswain of the Palling No. 1 Life-boat, 5itJt West Norfolk Regiment, and the Coastguard saw what they thought was a smack driving along the beach ; she proved, however, to be fast on the outer bank. The crew and helpers of the Life-boat were mustered, horses obtained, and the boat launched at 2.35 A.M. On nearing the smack the Life-boat anchored and veered along- side. The crew of four hands, together with four eats, were taken off and landed in safety at 4.40 A.M. The smack was the Sophia and Rebecca, of Lowestoft. After the crew were rescued she was driven over the bank up on to the beach..