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Royal National Life-Boat Institution. Appeal


Patron His Most Gracious Majesty the King

Chairman— H eputg= Ibairman— COLONEL SIR FrrzRov CLAYTON, K.C.V.O., V.P. . SIR JOHN CAMKROX LAMB, C.B., C.M.G., v.P.

Secretary—GEORGE F. SHEE, ESQ., II.A.

Telegraphic Address: "LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION, LONDON." Telephone: No. 2964 ("QERRARD EXCHANGE.") APPEAL.

THE COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT have to state that during the past year (1909) the ROT At, NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION expended £74,567 on its Life-boat Establishments.


Number of Lives rescued by Life-boats, in addition to 43 Vessels and Boats saved by them and 239 persons landed from vessels in distress and lightships .....

Number of Lives saved by Shore-boats, &o Amount of Rewards granted during the Year ....

Honorary Rewards:—Silver Medals and Clasps .

Decorations Binocular Glasses Aneroid Barometers Votes of Thanks on Vellum . .

Certificates of Service ....

Total «. d.

434 210 11,994 19 8 8 1 15 4 23 7 6i 1544 £11,994 19 8 The number of Lives saved either by the Life-boats of the Society, or by special exertions for which it has granted rewards since its formation in 1824 (to 31st Dec., 1909), is 48,627. The rewards and recognitions granted by the Institution in the same period comprise 101 Gold Medals and Clasps, 1,269 Silver Medals and Clasps, 69 Decorations, 412 Binocular Glasses, 16 Telescopes, 90 Aneroid Barometers, 1,916 Votes of Thanks inscribed on vellum and framed, 213 Certificates of Service framed, and £298,177 in money.

The Committee of Management of the ROYAL NATIONAL LIFE-BOAT INSTITUTION earnestly appeal to the British Public for Funds to enable them to maintain their 280 Life-boats now on the Coast and their Crews in the most perfect state of efficiency. This can only be effected by a large and permanent annual income.

The work of the Life-boat should appeal to'all, whether they reside inland or on the coast.

There are probably few inhabitants of the United Kingdom who have not friends or relatives who at one time or another " go down to the sea in ships," and no British men or women can be indifferent to a work which is of peculiar interest to the people of the greatest maritime country in the world.

We cannot all take a personal part in the noble act of life-saving, hut we can all at least contribute to help those who make this splendid work part and parcel of their normal duty, and to assist the women and children who may be left without support through the heroic self-sacrifice of husband, father or brother.

The Committee are confident that, in their endeavour to provide the brave Life-boatmen, who nobly hazard their lives in order that they may save others, with the best possible means for carrying on their great work, they will meet with the generous support of the public, so that the scope and efficiency of our great life-saving service, of which the Nation has always been so proud, may not have to be curtailed.

Annual Subscriptions and Donations are earnestly solicited, and will be thankfully received by the Secretary, at the Institution, 22, CHARING CROSS ROAD, London, W.C.; by the Bankers of the Institution, Messrs. COUTTS AND Co., 440, Strand, London, W.C.; and by all the other Bankers in the United Kingdom,—November, 1910.