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Life-Boat Song

SING Ho! ho 1 ho! how the wild winds blow, And the breakers in fury foam, While, with thund'ring roar, o'er the storm-swept shore, The waves in their frenzy roam! Oh, many a ship, in the storm-fiend's grip, Would add to the ocean's dead, Were there not afloat, in a gallant boat, The lads who no danger dread.

Hurrah for the lads of the Life-boat, Hurrah for the craft and crew; Hurrah for the lads and the Life-boat, And their Institution too! Sing ha! ha ! ha ! as they say him bah.

Though the storm-fiend he howl and yell, And they ride each wave, on their way to save The lives that he loves so well I Oh, many a man since the storm began, And many a maid and wife, May devoutly dote on the battling boat That wins for him back his life! Hip I hip i hurray ! though the winds may bray, For the lads who the Life-boat man, Who forsake their wives and who risk their lives To rescue where'er they can! When the trump shall blow, and the sea shall show, To the Judge of All, her prey, Oh, the British race shall feel no disgrace For the Life-boat lads that day! Hurrah for the lads of the Life-boat, Hurrah for the craft and crew; Hurrah for the lads and the Life-boat, And their Institution too 1 W. KELLY.