Advanced search

Jane and Margaret

At 6.50 P.M., on the 4th April, the fishing- boat Jane and Margaret, of St/Andrews, when running for harbour in a heavy sea and E.N.E. gale, struck the beacon about 220 yards from the pier, and sank at once, the cause of the wreck being the bursting of the drogue in the surf.

The four men on board jumped for the beacon and clung there, washed to the waists and shoulders by a heavy sea, until rescued by the Life-boat Louisa, which was very promptly launched, the wreck of the boat and the dangerous position of the men being seen from the shore. The men managed with difficulty to hold on to the beacon, and the Coxswain in effecting their rescue managed his boat j in the vicinity of the rocks with great skill. The endangered men behaved with quiet bravery and perfect coolness throughout. Noticing that one man was becoming exhausted, being an old man, the other three hoisted him up the beacon and kept him secure by clasping their arms round him. This was a troublesome task owing to their own insecure position, and the Com- mittee of Management showed their appreciation of their conduct by giving them a reward..