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Emma Louise

At 1.30 A.M. on the 14th April, during a whole E. by N. gale, the schooner Emma Louise, anchored in the road- stead, showed distress signals. The crew of the Life-boat Barak Austin were already assembled as the night was exceedingly wild ; the boat was launched and on reaching the schooner the four men on board were rescued, as the vessel was dragging her anchors.

Later in the day the weather improved and the wind changed W.N.W. and five men again went off to the vessel.

Towards nightfall the weather again became very rough and shortly before 8 P.M. a strong gale was blowing and a heavy sea running. The schooner Agnes Craig, bound from London to Thurso, was anchored in an exposed position, and as the wind increased was in imminent danger of being wrecked.

Signals of distress were made and the Life-boat again launched and rescued the five men on board. Two other vessels—the ketch Sunlight, of Hull, and the schooner Emma Louise, also made signals and the Life-boat proceeded to them and landed their crews, nine in number. Fortunately for the owners the vessels rode out the gale..