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Helene Lohden and Restitution

Shortly before 1 A.M. on the 23th January the Coast- guard reported that signals of distress had been fired by the St. Nicholas Light-vessel. As quickly as possible the crew of the No 1. Life-boat Mark Lane were assembled, and the Life-boat, in tow of a tug, proceeded to sea. From the master of the Cross Sand Light- vessel the Coxswain ascertained that two steamers had been in collision, and had steamed slowly away to the south- ward.

The Life-boat and tug proceeded in that direction, and fell in with the steamer Helene Lohden, of Stromstad, from Leith to Boulogne with coal, which had been in collision with the steamer Restitution, of Liverpool, with sixteen hands on board. As the former was leaking badly, the Life-boatmen quickly ran ropes from her to the tug, and, with the Life-boat in close attendance in case of emergency, the vessel was taken into harbour and berthed for repairs. During this service a strong N.N.W. gale was blowing, with a heavy sea, .and, but for the timely assistance, the vessel would probably have been lost..