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Shore-Boat Services Rewarded By the Royal National Life-Boat Institution In 1909

Jan. 8.—Eight men promptly put off in a coble and saved three men from a small pleasure oobla who were overtaken by bad weather when out fishing off Berwick-on- Tweed.—Reward, il.

Jan. 11.—Six men put off in a coble during a strong W. gale in a heavy sea, and saved the coble Lead Me and her crew of three men, when in distress off Craster.—Reward, SI. 15s.

Jan. 14.—Voted the Saver Medal and 31. to Captain D. MARTIN, a yacht's skipper; 3?. to JAMES MEENAN ; and 30s. each to ten other men, for their very gallant services at Camp- beltown in a whole gale, with squalls of hurri- cane force, snow showers, and very heavy sea on the 29th December.

The Schooner Janes, of Larne, was reported in distress at about 9.40 P.M., and the Camp- beltown Life-boat was sent to her assistance.

Repeated efforts were made to reach the vessel, but owing to the exceptional severity of the weather and the soft nature of the ground the Life-boat's anchor could not hold, and the boat was swept to leeward of the distressed vessel. Shortly after the Life-boat had started, Captain Martin seeing the Life-boat could do nothing, mustered a crew of six men and put ofi in a line skiff to windward of the wreck, and dropped down under oars, let go an anchor and veered down to the wreck. Just as the boat reached the wreck two heavy seas broke over the boat, half filling her, and carried away the cable. The boat was swept to leeward, but happily near the Life-boat, and the men scrambled on board .the boat. The boat had to be abandoned, and was dashed to pieces on the beach. The Life-boat with all the men exhausted, returned ashore at 1.30 A.M. As nothing more could then be done, the gale having got worse, Captain Martin and his men went home to get dry clothes. Captain Martin soon returned, and spent the early hours of the morning on the pier awaiting a lull.

Between 6 and 7 A.M. a lull came. Another boat was manned and launched to windward of the wreck. The Life-boat also put off, but being to leeward was not able to reach the schooner as quickly as Captain Martin and his brave crew. This time their efforts were successful, and Captain Martin succeeded in rescuing two of the men on board but in a terribly exhausted condition, as they had been lashed to the rigging all night. A third man was also unlashed and taken into the boat, but it was found that he had already succumbed from cold and exposure. The cost of replacing the skiff, which was destroyed on this occasion, viz., 251., was also borne by the Institution.

Jan. 14.—Voted 30s. each to PETER BEVIE and A. MACALLUM, also 15s. each to six other men for rescuing the crew of the trawler Albany, of Fleet wood, wrecked in exceptionally severe weather on the west coast of Cantyre about seven and a half miles from Campbe] town, on the 30th December, 1908. Snow storms which had prevailed for some days rendered the roads impassable for transporting the Life-boat, and a blizzard prevailed at the time. As soon as information of the casualty reached Campbeltown, Life-boatmen and others started with ropes, etc., for the scene of the disaster. They drove as far as possible, and then proceeded on foot, but before they could reach the place the endangered crew of ten men were rescued by men on tihe spot; Peter Bevie being the leader, and A. Macallum displaying great pluck in going into the surf and bringing ashore a life-buoy with a line attached. Reward to Life-boatmen and others, 181. 6s. Id.

Jan. 14.—Voted the thanks of the Insti- tution on vellum and II. to JOHN HOLBROOK, coxswain - superintendent of the Bembridge Life-boat, and 4Z. to four other men for utting off in a boat and at great risk rescuing aree men from a boat in a perilous position n a strong S.E. breeze and rough sea, on the White Ledge, near Bembridge, on the night f the 23rd of December, 1908.

Jan. 14.—Ten men put oft in three boats from Margate Pier for the purpose of saving ix men from a boat of the s.s. T. W. Stewart, which capsized off Margate on 24th November, 908.—Reward, 2Z. 10s.

Feb. 5.—Voted the thanks of the Institution nscribed on vellum and 11. to FRANK DALTON, and II. each to five other men, for putting off n a coble and at great risk to themselves, rescuing two men from the coble Welcome lome, in a whole northerly gale and very leavy sea, off Scarborough.

Feb. 11.—Five men saved, at great risk to ;hemselves, the crew of nine hands of the ;rawler Hope, of Peterhead, wrecked on Faray ilolm, Orkney Islands, in a whole S.S.E. gale, very heavy sea and exceptionally heavy snow, on the 29th December. Some of the men were almost dead from cold and exposure when rescued.—Reward, 101.

Feb. 11.—Three coastguards and a fisherman went into the surf and saved, at considerable risk to themselves, four persons from the fishing-boat William and Maria, of Hastings, which struck on the bar off Hythe, in a strong S. gale and heavy sea, on the 10th December, 1908.—Reward, 31. 10s.

Feb. 11.—Five men put off in a boat, and at moderate risk saved the crew of ten men of the steam trawler Viking, of Sandefjord, wrecked on Gairnbulg Brigg, Aberdeenshire, in moderate weather, on the 20th December, 1908.—Reward, 11. 17s. 6d.

March 11.—Voted the thanks of the Insti- tution inscribed on vellun and 11. to THOMAS WILLIAMS for saving, at considerable risk to himself, two persons whose boat foundered off Watermouth, near Ilfracombe, in a strong N.W. breeze and rough sea on the 1st March, 1909, April 8.—Voted the thanks of the Insti- tution and 2Z. to PATRICK LACEY, and 21. each to seven other men for saving eight persons from a boat which was swamped and sunk in a heavy swell off Inisbofin, Co. Galway, on the 8th February. Three other persons unfortunately perished before help could reach them, and the salvors incurred considerable risk in effecting the rescue.

April 21.—Voted a binocular glass, bearing a suitable inscription, to Captain FRED W.

PRANCE, and 21. each to two other men for saving, at considerable risk, six persons from the French ketch AndrAe, which foundered in a strong S.E. gale and heavy sea, in Bideford Bay.

April 30.—Four fishermen promptly saved the coble Jeannies and her crew of four men in squally weather and a rough sea off North Sunderland.—Reward, 12«.

May 13.—Two men saved, at moderate risk, two men from a small sailing-boat which capsized near the Hook Sandbanks, Poole, in a strong S.E. breeze and heavy sea on the 21st April, 1909.—Reward, 21.

May 17.—Nine men put off in the private surf-boat at Arbroath, standing by, and bring- ing into safety a fishing-boat which was in danger off the harbour in a rough sea.—Re- ward, SI. 7s. 6d.

May 18.—Five men promptly put off in a boat and saved a man whose boat had been capsized in a strong southerly breeze and moderately rough sea off Port St. Mary.— Reward, 2/. 10s.

Also allowed 5s. for an oar broken by one of the sailors in performing the service.

June 7.—Three men promptly put off in a coble and saved two persons from the coble Bonnie Lad, which struck on a sunken rock and sank in Cornelian Bay, near Scarborough, in an E.N.E. breeze and heavy sea.—Re- ward, 15s.

June 17.—Four men saved, at moderate risk, four persons from a salmon yawl, which capsized in a strong S.E. gale and heavy sea, in Youghal Bay, on the 5th May. The men when rescued were in a very exhausted condition.— Reward, 4Z.

June 17.—Two men promptly put off in a boat and, at slight risk, rescued a man whose boat was capsized in a heavy squall off Carn- lough, Co. Antrim, on the 18th May.—Re- ward, 11. Two women assisted to launch the boat and they were allowed 10s. for their services, and another woman who took charge of the salvors' horses whilst they were per- forming the rescue was granted 2s. 6d.

June 17.—A man saved one of eight persons from a small fishing-boat which capsized 'and gunk in a strong and squally northerly breeze and choppy sea, off Teignmouth. The salvor was about a mile away when he observed the accident. With great promptness he rowed to the spot and was just in time to save one of the unfortunate people, the other seven being drowned.—Reward, 10s.

July 8.—Sent a letter of thanks to Mr. R. BEVAN and voted 10s. to HENRY JANE for their promptness in saving the life of Captain H. NICHOLAS, whose boat was capsized in a brisk N.E. breeze and choppy sea off Black Head, near Cadgwith, on the 9th June.

July 8.—Three men landed the crew of four men of the schooner Leader, of Cardiff, at Stranraer, in moderate weather, on the 21st June. The schooner sprang a leak and sank a few minutes after the crew had taken to their boat. They made for Loch Ryan, and when nine miles from Stranraer were picked up in an exhausted condition and taken to Stran- raer.—Reward, 11. 10s.

July 25.—Seven men promptly put off in a boat and rescued six persons, including two ladies, from a pleasure-boat capsized about a mile from Arbroath Harbour, in a strong E.N.E. breeze and rough sea.—Reward, 11.15s.

Aug. 2.—Two men saved at considerable risk two men whose boat had become un- manageable and was in difficulties in a heavy surf off Covehithe, in a strong N.E. gale, on the 2nd August.—Reward, 2L Also granted them 15s. to pay for the damage which their boat sustained whilst performing the rescue.

Aug. 7.—JAMES BTJLLERS for bravely going into the sea, swimming out and at considerable risk saving one of two persons whose boat was capsized in a rough sea, off the mouth of St. Mouance Harbour. The other man was for- tunately able to swim to the breakwater and save himself.—Reward 11.

Aug. 12.—Voted 15s. to three men for saving at slight risk four men from a punt which cap- sized at about 12.45 a.m. off Queenstown, in a squally W.N.W. wind and smooth sea, on the 1st July. One of the salvors' boats was damaged to the extent of 11., and this amount was allowed for repairing it.

Aug. 12.—Sent a letter of thanks to Mr. LINDSELL, and granted 11. to two boatmen for their promptness in saving two persons whose boat was being blown out to sea and in danger of being swamped, off Bull Bay, Anglesey, in a strong S.W. breeze and smooth sea, on the 4th August.

Aug. 15.—Two men belonging to the sand- dredger Poulton, put off in a small boat and saved three persons from the flat Hilda, which went ashore and became a wreck off Fleetwood in a strong W. breeze and very heavy sea.— Reward, 10s.

Aug. 27.—Three men promptly put off in a motor-boat and saved four persons belonging to the ketch Sarnia, of Scilly, which was run down off Lynmouth in a moderate N.W.

breeze and smooth sea. The men took to the ketch's boat, and when picked up were without oars, sails, or rudder.—Reward, 11. 10s.

Sept. 9.—The skipper of the yacht Olgama saved one of two men whose boat was capsized off Southwold Harbour when they were trying to board a barge which was under weigh, in a strong S.S.W. breeze and rough sea, on the 31st July.—Reward, 5s.

Sept. 9.—Three men saved at moderate risk, three persons whose boat, the SealarTc, of Cresswell, was capsized off Amble, in a mode- rate N'.N.W. gale and moderate sea, on the llth August.—Reward, II. 10s.

Oct. 7.—Four men promptly saved six persons belonging to the ketch Jubilee, of Nordebble, Faroe Islands, which was wrecked at the mouth of the North Esk, in a strong S.W. gale and rough sea.—Reward, 21.

Oct. 10.—Eight men put off in a boat and rescued two men from a pleasure boat, which was being blown out to sea near Margate, in a moderate S. by W. gale and rough sea.— Reward, SI.

Oct. 14.—Granted 25s. to MICHAEL WALSH and il. to four other men for saving, at con-siderable risk, twenty-eight persons from a boat which struck on a submerged rock and ! capsized near Bealadangan, Co. Galway, in j moderate weather on the 28th August.

When she struck the rock Walsh swam ashore, a distance of half a mile, and gave the i alarm. The other men then procured a canvas | canoe or "curragh," and in five trips with • great difficulty saved all the endangered | persons, the canoe being damaged on the : rocks during the rescue.

Oct. 14.—Two men saved the fishing-boat Doris and her crew of two men, which in a moderate W.S.W. gale and rough sea, off Selsey Bill, had her mainsail blown away on [ the 6th September.—Reward, 11. j Oct. 14.—A man promptly rescued two | persons whose boat was capsized by a squall, in a moderate N.W. wind and smooth sea, i in Dundrum. Bay, on the 1st September.— I Reward, 5s. ! Oct. 23.—Four men rescued four men in an exhausted condition from a boat belonging to i the tug President de Liemo, off Deal, in a strong S.W. gale and heavy sea.—Reward, 21.

Oct. 24. Four men put off in a boat and, at great risk, saved two persons from a boat belonging to the schooner Francis, which was in great danger of being swamped, when the men were endeavouring to rejoin their vessel at Holyhead, at 1.30 A.M., in a strong N.W. I gale and heavy sea. A lame man gave the | alarm and assisted in launching the rescuer's I boat, and was rewarded. Reward, 4Z. 10s. I Oct. 27.—A. ADAMS and GEORGE BALLS, and ! eight other men saved six of the crew of the fishing-boat Daisy Dell, of Fraserburgh, in a moderate E.N.E. gale and very heavy sea off Lowestoft at 2.30 A.M. The two men named waded into the water, and at great risk secured a line floated to them, and by this means the | salvors succeeded in rescuing the endangered I men.—Reward, 61. Nov. 3.—Two inen promptly put off in a boat and saved five persons from the s.s. Kingfisher, which struck a sunken wreck off Skateraw and quickly foundered. The salvors observed the accident and at once put off to the rescue.

They incurred great risk, as the boilers of the vessel burst and she foundered within a minute or two of the boat leaving.—Reward, 21. 10s.

Nov. 11.—Voted the thanks of the Institu- tion, inscribed upon vellum and framed, to MICHAEL DALTON, Coxswain Superintendent of the Poolbeg Life-boat, together with the sum of II. each to him and to nine other men for wading out and saving five of the crew of the barque Poseidon, of Kragero, wrecked in Dublin Bay, in an E. gale and very heavy sea, on the 26th October. Also granted 21. to four men who assisted at the rescue.—Reward, 12i.

Nov. 11.—Granted rewards to the crew of the Stronsay Life-boat for putting off, in the temporary absence of the Life-boat for repairs, in the station boarding boat, and rescuing the crew of twenty-five hands of the ship Edenmore wrecked at Papa Stronsay in a strong S.S.E.

gale and very heavy sea.

Also voted a binocular glass to Captain JAMES MEKSON, master of the steam trawler Ben Aden, and a pecuniary reward to the crew for towing the Stronsay Life-boat from Kirkwall to the scene of the disaster.

Nov. 11.—Thirteen men saved, at moderate risk to themselves, six persons from two mussel boats which were in danger of being swamped in a southerly gale which suddenly sprang up off Conway, on the 7th October.— Reward, 51. 17s. 6d.

Nov. 11.—G. Naylor, Coxswain of the Hornsea Life-boat, and five other men, put off in a coble in a moderate gale to the small yacht Sioeetheart, on which they thought there was one person, on 9th September. No one was found on board, and the yacht was abandoned, the men reaching Hornsea with some difficulty.—Reward, 21. 5s.

Nov. 14.—Three men rescued five men from the cobles Ada and Evelyn Crompton Stansfield which collided off Scarborough, in a moderate N.E. gale and rough sea.—Reward, 15s.

Nov. 27.—Four men saved, at great risk to themselves, five persons from the schooner Return, of Greenock, which stranded off Newton-by-the-Sea, Northumberland, in a strong S.S.W. breeze and heavy surf.—Reward, 61.

Dec. 9.—Four men put off in a boat in a strong N.W. gale and, at considerable risk, saved two men who were trying to board their trawler in Rosslare Harbour on the 23rd October. The men's boat was swept under one of the piers and one man was thrown overboard.—Reward, 61.